P. 20
New Town Hall. (1995 image: John Kleinig)
"Mr. L. Lester suitably replied, and stated that is spoon shaped … ventilation is perfect, the [Interestingly, the (new) Town Hall was
for 15 years he had been in the picture business ceiling being lattice work, and 12 electric fans opened a year later in 1927, and was claimed
in the town and elsewhere. At the start they had have been installed. All the woodwork is to be the largest town hall in South Australia,
a hard struggle, but pictures had come to stay. polished blackwood. At the main entrance in seating 1000 over two levels and including
The Town Hall would only seat 360 and this the front are two shops. The foyer is lined with dressing rooms and a large stage. A projection
hall would seat 1,020 (cheers). He was thankful tiles ... the dress circle is reached by a 10 ft room was also constructed as part of the
for past patronage of the public and trusted to staircase, beautifully polished. The building building, but no projectors were installed until
receive the same in the future (cheers). throughout is lit by electricity. Proprietors are the Capitol closed in 1977. Its projectors were
Messrs H. W. Rees (known by his stage name relocated to the (new) Town Hall, but lay idle
"The building is ... an ornament to the town. It as Leslie Lester) and Thomas Rees. Contractors for 18 years until 1995, when monthly film
is 50 ft wide and 140 feet long. The dress circle were Messrs Silver and Olinch of Rosewater, screenings returned to Peterborough, firstly
will seat 220, the stalls 600 and the pit 200. The and the work reflects great credit on their under Glen Rohriach, followed by CATHS’
building is of the latest design, especially built handicraft. Mr. Matthews of Adelaide did the members, David and Carol Burford.]
for pictures, at the same time being constructed artistic work. There is a fine orchestra pit for
so as theatrical parties can use same. The floor ten performers."
New Town Hall projection room
(1995 image: John Kleinig) The New Town Hall. (2017 image: John Kleinig)