P. 22
by Rick Foster,
Flinders University
y Fair Lady, the classic film, based on The Globe Newsreel Theatre, formally the The premiere was a big event for My Fair
MGeorge Bernard Shaw's 1956 play, was Savoy Newsluxe, was a theatre that primarily Lady Theatre, and for the general public.
adapted for the screen in 1964. It starred showed newsreels. The Freeman brothers There was a parade outside on Hindley Street,
renowned actors Rex Harrison and Audrey bought into the Savoy in February 1961, and followed by a gala held at the theatre, which
Hepburn and was released in New York City after only a week of refurbishing, reopened the was attended by the Lord Mayor and the
on 10 October 1964. It was not until venue as The Globe Newsreel. It continued to Premier of South Australia. After the cinema
9 December 1964 that it premiered in Australia; show newsreels for 18 months, but with the ceased screening My Fair Lady on 12 October
it was shown at the My Fair Lady Cinema introduction of television, their patronage 1966, the Freemans dropped the "My" and
(later called the Palladium) on Bourke Street steadily dropped. Eventually, the Globe ceased continued to operate under the name Fair Lady
in Melbourne. It was nearly eight months until to be a newsreel only theatre, and began to Theatre.
it was released in Sydney on 28 July 1965, and show feature films, cartoons, featurettes, serials
a further seven months until it was released in and newsreels, as was popular at the time. From Facts and Figures
Hobart on 3 March 1966. Finally, My Fair Lady November 1965, the Freemans used the Globe • Opened 9 March 1966
was released in Adelaide on 9 March 1966, at to advertise and promote their new venture, the • Changed name to Fair Lady Theatre on
the My Fair Lady Theatre located at My Fair Lady Theatre. 12 October 1966
128-136 Hindley Street, in the CBD. • Initial capacity 851
When My Fair Lady was released in Melbourne • Staff Numbers (Average): 15 (at any one time,
The My Fair Lady Theatre in Adelaide was in 1964, the cinema's façade was changed to a including Ushers, Usherettes, Box office
built, owned and operated by Jack and Cohn pink motif, and the cinema was officially attendants, Projectionist, Fire Marshall,
Freeman; these two brothers were extremely named My Fair Lady, to coincide with the Manager, Parking attendants)
business savvy and entrepreneurial, and made film's premiere. The Freeman brothers saw the • Single Screen Cinema
the most of every opportunity that they saw success of the Melbourne premiere and the • Ticket Prices From $1-$3 depending on
available. Prior to the My Fair Lady being business potential in such a venture, and seating location
opened, they ran the Warner Picture Theatre, decided to work towards the same idea for the • 2 x 35 mm Projectors
and the Globe Newsreel Theatre, along with film's Adelaide premiere. They struck a deal • 2 x 70 mm Projectors
various other business ventures. with Warners and proceeded to build a single- • Original Manager - Bruce Cunnew
screen, purpose-built cinema on one of their • Replacement Manager - Glen Schwartz
properties in the city. The site was a car park,
registered as Drive Up and Park, and the Glen Schwartz, the manager of My Fair Lady
Freemans, with the assistance of Warners, Theatre has a long history in the film industry
began construction. The process took six within Australia. He began working in 1948 in
months to complete, and adhered to all of distribution for 20th Century Fox, and then
Warner Bros’ specifications; Pink façade, to be went on to manage the Ozone cinema at
named My Fair Lady Theatre, even the font Glenelg. From there he moved to Melbourne to
of their signage had to be the same as on the work for MGM. In 1975, when Bruce Cunnew
film's advertisement poster. Not ones to miss left as manager of the Fair Lady Theatre, he
an opportunity, the Freemans also incorporated was employed by the Freeman brothers to help
their parking facilities into its design, making run and manage both the Warner Picture
it one of the very few in Adelaide, and the only Theatre and the Fair Lady Theatre. He had
cinema in the city, to have parking available at a career spanning over 40 years and, for his
their complex. It was also the first new cinema contributions to the industry, he was inducted
to be built in the CBD in 30 years. These two into the Australian Cinema Pioneers Society.
significant points of difference would play a
major role in the theatre's initial success. I had the pleasure of meeting Glen at his home,
where he graciously allowed me to interview
As part of their agreement with Warners, the him about his time at the Fair Lady Theatre,
Freemans, as owners of My Fair Lady and chat generally about the film industry. He
Theatre, were given exclusive rights to show also allowed me to film our conversation,
My Fair Lady in South Australia in 1966, for which I transcribed. The following are some
the agreed duration of the movie's run at the excerpts of our conversation:
theatre; yet another advantage they had over
other competing cinemas.