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above  was  a  two  and  one-half  rows  set  beneath  the
                                                                 p a r t i c u l a r l y  extremity of the projection booth. Mid City
                                                                 spacious foyer. A  ran on 6000 ft reels until 1976, when platters
                                                                 s e e m i n g l y  were introduced. In 1970, a common or shared
                                                                 floating   roof  projection room for both auditoria presented
                                                                 plane   hovered  an  exciting  possibility.  It  was  possible  to
                                                                 above with lights  simultaneously run a film through one cinema,
                                                                 dotted like stars.  continuing  on  to  pass  through  the  second
                                                                 The March 1969  cinema, with just a few seconds delay. This
                                                                 plan of Bogle and  capability  of  interlocking  became  more
                                                                 B a n f i e l d  prevalent  as  common  projection  booths
                                                                 specified   that  emerged elsewhere.
                                                                 walls   of   the
                                                                 theatre  foyer  be  There were two projectors for each of the Mid
                                                                 of   bare   face  City  cinemas,  plus  the  most  modern  slide
                                                                 clinker  brick.  In  machines  of  the  day,  as  designed  by  Hoyts
                                                                 contrast,   the  engineering  department.  Equipment  was
                 The shared projection room was an insight into the future.  earlier July 1968  computerised so that essential functions, such
                                                                 plan  of  both  as dimming of the auditorium lights and reel
        The new Mid City auditoria were inducted as  auditoria included cement rendered walls ready  changeovers, could occur automatically. Chief
        Cinema  4  and  Cinema  5.  The  numbering  to receive carpet cladding.  projectionist Roy Ramsay was quoted at the
        presented  the  Mid  City  complex  as  an                              time, describing the efficient, air-conditioned,
        addendum to the 3 screens at Cinema Centre.  Unfortunately, the plans for Mid City lacked  shared  projection  room  as  one  of  the  “most
        David  Kilderry  explains  the  numbering  as  appropriate  access  for  disabled  persons,  refined” he had worked in and “it enables the
        follows: “Given Hoyts was one of the first in  something we take for granted nowadays.  two cinemas to be perfectly coordinated and it
        the world to build a cinema complex, let alone                          makes my job much easier. The operation is
        two a block away from each other, there were  Of  his  first  visit  to  the  Mid  City  Cinemas,  controlled by a Cinemation system designed
        no  rules  to  copy.  The  main  reason  for  the  CATHS member, Martin Powell, recalls “The  by a British company.”
        numbering  was  to  avoid  confusion  i.e.  two  Cinema  Centre  was  transformative.  Then
        Cinema Ones’ in Hoyts complexes on the same  came Mid City, new and different again. The  The  1970s  were  good  years  for  Hoyts  in
        street would have caused problems.”  main foyer at Mid City was huge! Located on  Melbourne’s CBD, and became even better for
                                            the first floor, it originally extended most of  Mid City when Hoyts no longer had to supply
        David  elucidates  the  role  of  Mid  City  as  a  the length of the building, with back-to-back  product  to  the  Athenaeum  and  Esquire.
        “further  extension  of  Hoyts  economies  of  cinemas  above.  The  foyer  ceiling  was  Testimony to this was Hoyts decision to add a
        operation.  It  sounds  strange  today,  but  the  undulating, following the general shape of the  third cinema to Mid City, which commenced
        Cinema  Centre  not  only  had  separate  stadium floors, with the highest point located  screening in December 1975 with an obscure
        projectionists and assistant projectionists for  above the cinema entrances. The original two  R-rated comedy The Coming of Seymour.
        each of its three cinemas, but also separate  auditoria were well-raked and the dimensions
        booking clerks, ushers and managers for each  for viewing were very good. Overall, it was  Part  of  the  huge  foyer  was  sacrificed  for
        of the three cinemas!”              quite impressive.”                  Cinema 6. A floor plan of the new auditorium,
                                                                                and  an  article  in  Movie  News  (March/April
        The opening of the $3¼ million Hoyts Mid  However,  as  if  to  embody  the  spirit  of  the  1976), both claim 217 seats. Elsewhere I have
        City Cinemas 4 and 5 was quite an occasion.  1970s,   Hoyts   furnished   the   foyer  read  references  to  220  and  221  seats.  The
        Cinema  patrons  were  greeted  by  ramped  incongruously.  Deck  chairs  were  positioned  auditorium was built beneath the rake of the
        auditoria designed to provide the best possible  around tables set beneath large umbrellas, as  large Cinema 5. Bogle and Banfield were the
        sight  lines,  with  each  chair  individually  if poolside, but resting on a carpeted floor with  architects  once  more,  and  the  Dolphin  firm
        mounted  for  maximum  comfort.  The  two  a  brick  wall  backdrop  bearing  the  word  were the builders.
        cinemas  comprised  3,200  square  yards  of  HOYTS in bold lettering. It surely was a far
        carpet  and  were  built  back  to  back  with  a  cry from the Regent.
        common projection room.
                                            Décor  for  the  Mid  City  Cinemas  was
        A seating plan contributed by Roy Grounds  contributed by interior designer Neville Marsh,
        and Company Pty Ltd in January 1970 reveals  known best for his work with colour. The décor
        three  columns  of  seating,  situated  across  a  could be fairly adjudged as minimal or austere,
        maximum auditorium width of 68 ft 8 inches  if one compares it with the picture palaces of
        in  the  larger  cinema,  number  5.  Sir  Roy  old. The emphasis of the New Age cinema was
        Grounds  is  one  of  Australia’s  most  on the functional. Carpeted walls, for example,
        distinguished  twentieth  century  modern  assisted the acoustics and to a lesser extent the
        architects,  probably  best  known  for  the  warmth of the cinemas.
        Victorian Arts Centre and National Gallery
        of Victoria.                        The opening features on 26 November 1970
                                            were the D H Lawrence English classic Women
        Film Weekly reported a seating capacity of 750  in  Love  in  Cinema  4  and  the  multi-million
        and 932 respectively. A floor plan of Cinema  dollar war spectacular Tora! Tora! Tora! in
        4 confirms 750 seats, of which 446 are located  Cinema  5,  a  remarkable  contrast.  Martin
        upwards  of  the  entry  stairway  summit.  The  Powell was assiduous enough to see both of
        Roy Grounds Company’s seating plan includes  the opening features in the early days of Mid
        942 seats for Cinema 5. So it appears that 10  City. He remembers that Tora! Tora! Tora! in
        seats did not materialise. The Grounds’ seating  70 mm was spectacular in the larger of the two
        plan  for  Cinema  5  includes  444  seats  auditoria.
        downward of the entry stairway summit.
                                            The projectors in the common Mid City bio
        At the Bourke Street level were stream-lined  were back to back with a small off-set. A visit
        ticket selling and booking facilities. One level  today to the former Cinema 4 reveals the back

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