Page 25 - CR-93
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In CinemaRecord #88, we featured an article many first time visitors when they entered the
about Jack Scott’s Northern Victoria circuit of house. He seemed to relish people's shock
theatres, written by his daughter, Pat Tallent. reactions, especially George's, "Oh, my
Pat’s younger brother, David Scott, became Gawd!" when I waved him inside while
involved with the Lakeside Drive-in theatre at speaking on the telephone.
Yarrawonga, (see CinemaRecord #90) and
the Stargazer Drive-in theatre in Thurgoona The cat and dog often napped together, a
(North Albury). David has written a book tranquil scenario. Tiger always ended it with
about these two theatres and his time in the a paw-swipe that led to being chased by
industry. In this edition of CinemaRecord, we Brutus. The game usually finished with the cat
are pleased to feature the final part of David’s darting into a room and under a bed, jabbing
book relating to his construction of the his paw at Brutus if he poked his nose beneath
Stargazer Drive-in. - Editor. the valance.
wondered, “Why the hell are my clothes Draughty, a smoky-grey cat, turned up one
Istill here” stepping over them as I'd been day to take up residence, gaining the name
doing for days. Then I realized I'd left home because of her big feet that were out of
and it was up to me to pick up after myself. proportion like a draught horse's. She was
What a reality shock! Business organization placid to the point of appearing dopey, an
was second nature to me, but domestically it observation encouraged by a habit of admission, which was adjusted upwards by
was a whole new ball game, particularly in the muttering to herself, similar to Aunt Clara, an $1.50. It was a winner, as less than half the
middle class suburb I'd moved to. My eccentric character in the TV series, patrons took advantage of the free offer while
neighbours had front and back yards to be "Bewitched". Brutus accepted the new arrival the usual amount of food was sold.
proud of, the lady next door being a regular but Tiger didn't, his nose and whiskers out of
finalist in Albury's Best Garden competition, joint at having a rival. I guess you'd say he Some blokes and their girlfriends watched
so I was browbeaten into maintaining my was "catty". Tiger's habit of sneaking under movies from the back of panel vans reversed
property at an acceptable level. In return, no car bonnets to sleep on warm motors resulted onto ramps, innovatively set up with tasseled
one complained about my late night parties on in his disappearing for a fortnight, returning curtains at side windows, mattresses on the
Saturdays, when it was open-house for home sore-footed and coated with engine oil. floor. Some even had satin cushions. Other
everyone working at the Stargazer, including Brutus, who'd pined for his missing buddy, couples were more basic, opting for a rug on
their partners. thoroughly licked the adventuresome cat as the bitumen beside their cars, a dangerous
they snuggled together. practice as they were sometimes stepped on in
Draughty, having enjoyed the dark.
Original projectors installed by David Scott
not being bossed around
while the ginger menace The "all nighters" were so popular that, after
was away, muttered a little the theatre filled, people left their cars in the
louder to herself and left holding area and sought out friends. This was
them to it. the case on an Australia Day holiday
weekend, when twelve hundred patrons
Screening midnight horror packed into the Stargazer. During the hectic
shows after normal serving period, two lines of vehicles were
programmes meant people backed up onto the public road for over a
remaining after the first kilometre in two directions. Upon filling, cars
session needed to be were turned away and the entrance gates
charged again. This delayed locked as the car hops and I began tidying
newcomers from entering scattered banknotes tossed onto the ticket box
while we went from car to floor while serving.
car with tickets and bags of
change, a pain in the "David, we need help urgently!" The intercom
derriere task, especially plea from Dot in the cafeteria put on hold a
when smart alecs hid in the planned trip to my bank's night safe to deposit
toilets to avoid paying. To the takings. Instead, we rushed to man the hot
stop the hassle, I hit upon plate, deep fryer and toaster while the snack
the idea of running "Dusk to bar staff served and made choc-top ice creams
Dawn" screenings, where that customers grabbed as soon as they were
only one admission was dipped into chocolate. Food preparation had
charged for six movies. As started four hours before the gates opened but,
the name suggests, the first even so, hordes of hungry people spilled
film started whenever it was outside the building for hours, not dwindling
visible on the screen while in numbers until the second film was well
the sixth one battled to underway. "This is the last of the hamburger
After a brief, live-in affair fizzled, I inherited finish before dawn broke. patties." Maurie was sweating over the griller.
Brutus, a majestic Doberman, and Tiger, a "What happens now?" It was 1.00 am and,
large ginger cat whose disposition changed Initially, as a gimmick, I provided a free with appetites revived, crowds had returned to
from affectionate to aggressive at the drop of breakfast of cereal and cola, the odd the cafe. "Make steak sandwiches and bacon
a hat. A tar-coloured leather recliner-chair by combination bought cheaply in exchange for and egg rolls," I suggested, just as Dot, the
the front door was the dog's spot, his black and publicity. Later, I changed the enticement to cafe manageress, rushed into the kitchen to
tan coat blending in so well that he startled including a hamburger and coffee with each collect buckets of chips. "They went hours