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The spartan, but comfortable interior of the Civic Theatre
Again, there is a gap in the story until 1944, had been formed between Mr. A.F. Charlston On 24 June 1946, the Commission received an
when the hall is shown as applying for re- and Mr. F.P. Selleck, trading as Ashburton application to provide a new foyer,
registration for that year, the fee being paid for Theatre Co., c/- Mr. F.P. Selleck of conveniences and bio box, and to increase the
a public building of capacity between 100 and 375 Collins Street, with the intention of seating capacity to 508.
499, ie. consistent with the statement of refurbishing the hall.
seating in 1929. However, after the War was over, the suburb
(Frank Selleck became the 73 Lord Mayor of of Ashburton boomed, with construction of
On 4 November 1945, the Commissioner for Melbourne from 1954-1957, and was some 1200 homes by the Housing
Public Health was advised that a partnership knighted Sir Frank Selleck K.B.E. in 1957). Commission. The rapidly growing number of
Left side mural of Apollo Right side mural of King Neptune