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inspected  a  large  VMax
                                                                                           auditorium in the new complex.

                                                                                           The  nearby  Readings  8
                                                                                           Charlestown which opened in
                                                                                           October   2010   in   the
                                                                                           Charlestown Shopping Centre
                                                                                           was the last cinema visit of the
                                                                                           day. It also attracts patrons with
                                                                                           cheap  tickets  and  a  premium
                                                                                           ‘luxury’  cinema  experience
                                                                                           with  its  Gold  Class  TitanXC
        unassuming Regal  Cinema  at  Birmingham                                           auditoriums.   The   helpful
        Gardens that is run by volunteers, and operates                                    Cinema Supervisor allowed us
        on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights with                                         to  visit  the  auditoria  between
        weekend matinees. Over 90 patrons attended                                         screening  sessions  in  the  45
        the afternoon matinee, which was ending as  commencing  our  inspection,  a  fire  alarm  minutes of our tour schedule.
        we  arrived  for  our  inspection.  This  1931  sounded,  causing  a  quick  evacuation  of  the
        community hall re-opened just over a year ago  building. Our host and staff sprang into action  This  brought  about  the  official  end  of  the
        due to community support and agitation when  to clear the cinema, and so we cut short this  CATHS  Newcastle  Tour  for  2015.  The
        demolition seemed imminent after its closure  visit  and  departed  after  what  was  deemed  a  significant  organization,  co-ordination,  and
        in  2006.  The  owners,  the  neighbouring  false alarm.                smooth-running of any tour, but especially one
        university, wanted to demolish the building.                            that involves cinema visits like ours, can only
                                            A much anticipated highlight of the Newcastle  occur with committed volunteer work of the
        Our hosts, theatre managers George Merryman  Tour itinerary was the next venue – the Civic  many people who need to be acknowledged.
        (with  mascot  dog,  Frankie)  and  Jo  Smith  Theatre, a magnificently restored Newcastle
        offered complimentary wine and sweets on our  landmark built and owned by the Newcastle  The early preparatory work was undertaken by
        arrival, then described the recent community  City Council, and which was a cinema for over  Crosley Carpenter and Kevin Adams last year.
        campaign  and  fortuitous  purchase  of  digital  40  years.  Our  passionate  and  well-informed  Les Tod, the co-author of the definitive book
        projection and sound equipment to save this  tour  guide  expressed  his  appreciation  in  on  the  history  of  Newcastle  and  region
        ‘boutique’ cinema. Essential to its continuing  showing the theatre to CATHS members. He  theatres, “Front Stalls or Back”, was a constant
        success  is  its  programming  for  the  local  had an understanding of the importance and  source of valuable information and assistance,
        demographic,  students  and  discerning  film-  significance of retaining the integrity of this  both  as  a  tour  guide  and  in  helping  select
        goers as well as providing the unique cinema  1929  ‘atmospheric  picture  palace’,  with  its  venues  for  the  itinerary  with  Crosley
        experience  –  including  its  monthly  ‘cult  ‘Spanish Baroque’ style decoration, for future  Carpenter, Mike Trickett and Gerry Kennnedy
        classic’ nights. For patrons, the less than $8  generations  to  see.  Now  a  ‘live’  theatre,  he  during  an  earlier  reconnaissance  trip  to
        ticket price for this ‘not for profit’ cinema is                                  Newcastle. Many thanks must
        proving successful.                 • See colour image on back cover.             also go to Richard Twentyman
                                                                                          and  Mike  Trickett  for  the
        Dinner  that  night  gave  the  tour  participants                                transport  co-ordination  and
        time to share each other’s impressions of the                                     driving.
        cinemas  we  had  visited  and  building
        anticipation of Sunday’s venue visits.                                            We  also  express  our  sincere
                                                                                          appreciation to Event Cinemas'
        Day 2 began with an early visit to meet Bob                                       Greg Donnan, Hillsong Church
        Mason, the exhibitor for over 40 years at the                                     Youth Pastor Nic Dillon-Smith,
        280 seat Lake Cinema, Boolaroo – another                                          Friends  of  the  Regal,  Civic
        hall converted for screening films since 1974.                                    Theatre  guide  Richard  Laws,
        Bob is a wonderful and knowledgeable ‘old-                                        Islington  Market  owner  Terry
                                                                                          Harrison,  Brian  Lizotte  of
                                                                                          Lizotte’s   Lambton,   New
                                                                                          Lambton  Community  Centre
                                            described  the  interesting  details  of  the  Manager  Sue  van  Rugge,  Location  Director
                                            sympathetic restoration of 1992/1993, and the  Anthony Duke at Hoyts Charlestown, Cinema
                                            remodelling needed to bring the venue up to  Supervisor  Gabrielle  Keers  at  Readings  8
                                            current  theatre  requirements  for  major  Charlestown, Bob Mason of the Lake Cinema,
                                            productions  and  patron  comfort.  It  truly  is  and all the other staff who were so helpful.
                                            Newcastle’s premier theatre and a credit to the
                                            city.                               Lastly,  on  behalf  of  all  tour  participants,
                                                                                special thanks again must go to the informative
                                            After a lunch break at the Newcastle Museum,  local  host  Crosley  Carpenter  in  personally
                                            our  next  destination  was  the  suburb  of  co-ordinating all the venue times, navigating
        school’ projectionist who has a keen interest  Charlestown,  where  two  multiplexes  are  the roads in the Newcastle region and being
        in preserving artefacts from defunct Newcastle  situated  –  again  creating  the  extreme  price  such a personable and knowledgeable guide.
        theatres, some of which are displayed the foyer  competitiveness  required  to  lure  patrons  as  It was a mammoth job and all participants were
        and candy bar. Again, it is Bob’s attention to  well as new features for cinemas-goers.  so appreciative of what was a memorable 2015
        quality in the single screen cinema experience                          CATHS Newcastle Tour. «
        for his patrons that creates his loyal following  Hoyts  6  Charlestown  has  been  established
        –  despite  the  competitiveness  of  the  nearby  since  August  1969  as  a  stand-alone  cinema  Images: Tony Tibballs
        Event/GU Glendale multiplex – the CATHS  complex.  It  is  situated  behind  the  (former)
        tour‘s next destination.                                                NB: It  is  anticipated  that  several  Newcastle
                                            small  independent Renown  Theatre that  theatres  will  feature  in  future  issues  of
                                            operated  between  1927  until  its  closure  in
        Opened  in  1996,  this  multiplex  is  another  1963,  but  has  now  been  gutted.  The  group  CinemaRecord.
        Event/GU  run  cinema.  However,  just  after

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