Page 4 - CinemaRecord #85
P. 4
Dear Sir,
In reference to your comments on page 4, issue Thanks for another excellent edition of To The Editorial Team
84 of CinemaRecord I must put the record CinemaRecord, and what a great achievement
straight that Cinerama was only screened in to be celebrating 25 years of CATHS as an Thank you gentlemen for another entertaining
two locations in New Zealand; those being organization. Congratulations to all involved and informative issue of CinemaRecord (CR
Auckland and Christchurch. throughout those formative years. I have only 84).
been a member for the past 4 years.
The Mayfair Theatre (formerly the Strand) was It is great that you have managed to source such
renamed the Cinerama and introduced that My letter is to express my appreciation in diverse stories of the theatre buildings and the
process to the country on 7 November 1959. In reading the article on PNG theatres by Charles people involved. The stories about those
Christchurch the renamed Cinerama (formerly Betteridge in the last issue. It was something involved in the cinema industry bring back lots
the Mayfair) did the same on 9 May 1963. special. Not only for the information and of memories.
recollections of the cinemas in a part of
Australasia that is rarely visited by most, but It is also pleasing that you have continued to
By 1966 Cinerama worldwide was on the de- also for the personal family story. print 40 page issues, as commenced by the
cline with conversion and installation costs previous editor. They make a really good read.
uneconomical, so Amalgamated Theatres left The amazing ‘find’ of those long lost negatives
Wellington's old State Theatre with its new and diaries of his father – this is what archivists It is hoped that members across Australia will
name “The Cinerama” and a new curved screen for Historical Societies and other research continue to provide sufficient material and
(finally replaced in 1972). They reopened the institutions treasure – records of the past found photos to justify a larger magazine.
theatre on 19 August 1966 with 70 mm, doing or donated by those who realize their
nothing to enlighten people that really this
importance as a resource for future generations. I look forward, as always, to the arrival of next
wasn't Cinerama. CinemaRecord.
A great read with a personal touch. Thanks
A 70 mm picture on the curved Cinerama again Geoff Grant
screen caused distortion but it was six years Melbourne
before the screen was replaced. Tony Tibballs
Melbourne « «
To this day there are many people who firmly
believe that Wellington screened true Cinera-
ma films.
Best wishes for the festive season and for many
more great issues of CinemaRecord.
David Lascelles
Wellington, New Zealand NEW SOUTH WALES
« Parramatta City Council was reported in the Sunday Telegraph, Feb 8, 2015, as supporting a
To CATHS proposal by the owners to build a 20 storey residential and apartment tower. The facade of the
Recently a friend of mine died and his widow Roxy would be retained, but two giant pillars would be built in front to support the building
passed onto me a number of your above. The auditorium and foyers would be demolished. Presumably the courtyard would be
CinemaRecord magazines. retained.
I had no idea that a group such as yours existed, The Roxy, apart from being listed by the National Trust, is also on the State Heritage Register.
and that people would be interested enough in Arguments have been put forward before to remove buildings on the SHR. They will argue that
old theatres to actually form a group and the Roxy has been altered, as indeed it was, in 1976 when Hoyts converted it to 3 cinemas. This
produce a magazine. entailed the removal of the famous Spanish style proscenium arch and two flanking balconettes,
I gather from the size and quality of your
magazine, that there must be quite a few It was reported at the time that the proscenium arch had been taken by the National Trust for
storage, but that has never been verified.
members involved.
Apart from the loss of the arch and two decorative balconettes, the Roxy is intact. The SHR lists
I would appreciate more details on CATHS, it as a significant building because of its Spanish
with the intention of joining your group.
Brian Wilson
For the Committee:
Thank you for CinemaRecord # 84, some very
big stories, well illustrated. We begin a New
year with lots of anticipation high standards will
continue. Best wishes for happiness in the New
Year 2015.
William Gray
Parramatta NSW