Page 16 - CinemaRecord #85
P. 16

Bowen Summergarden Cinemas

                                                                                       by  Gerry Kennedy

                                                 Muttaburra sheep grazier from Western  projection ports were entry points for pigeons
                                            AQueensland,  Douglas  Harrison,  in  as the owners were bird fanciers.
                                            partnership with Bowen Cinema owners, Sam
                                            and  Ethyl  Kerr  built  the Summergarden  Most of the original house is still to be seen
        The  tropical  township  of  Bowen  in  the  Theatre in 1948. The theatre was built some  within the walls of the current theatre building
        beautiful Whitsundays is characterised by the  4 km from the business centre of Bowen, in  although the rooms may have different usage
        lazy  and  easy  charm  of  classic  far  North  the suburb of Queens Beach.  today.
                                            The theatre began construction as an open air  Bush timber poles were erected over 25% of
        With wide streets, simplicity of lifestyle already  (1948) and was gradually roofed over. It was  the rear yard and war surplus tarpaulins were
        akin to the 1940s and 1950s, Bowen needed  eventually opened on 19 October 1951 with  placed over the poles for weather protection.
        only a 40 days cosmetic makeover to become  The Time, The Place and the Girl, a movie  The ground was excavated to make a sloping
        the Darwin in which Lady Sarah was caught  starring a future President of the United States  floor  and  the  screen  was  made  of  cement
        up in the disastrous Japanese raids of WWII;  of America, Ronald Reagan.  sheets.  Over  time  the  bush  poles  and  a
        and the Darwin where she cracked her whip                               permanent roof progressed towards the screen.
        to drive hundreds of cattle through the main  Due to the unavailability of building materials
        street of town.                     and permits in the post war era the theatre had  In  1958,  Bowen  took  a  direct  hit  from  a
                                            a very unusual beginning.  It basically started  cyclone and the Summergarden lost its screen
        For  Australia,  Bowen  became  an  outback  as a large house built of concrete with a rough  and most of the roof. The screen was quickly
        1940s town; reminiscent of Broome as well as  cast finish. A large room at the back of the  replaced  with  volunteer  assistance  and  the
        Darwin  of  that  era  complete  with  outdoor  house  became  the  projection  booth  for  an  theatre reopened about a week later.
        cinema,  police  station,  hotel,  brothel,  outdoor theatre.
        shantytown and stockyards.                                              Permanently  open  louvres  allowed  for
                                            Screenings began without authorisation;  when  ventilation from the top to the bottom of the
         – “Australia the Movie”            people enquired about the holes in the wall,  side walls. Lattice was fixed to the outside of
        at    the  euphemistic  response  was  that  the  these walls.  In times of bad weather panels

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