Page 25 - CinemaRecord #84
P. 25

the  centre  of  the  main  aisle  and  across  the  screen was on the back wall so concerts could
                                            back of the front stalls; apparently to divide  be held. The proscenium was decorated with
                                            the stalls into different price areas. The theatre  back lit lattice. Minette Gee made the original
                                            seating  was  a  mixture  of  wooden  benches  purple  stage  curtains;  these  were  trimmed
                                            (front stalls), canvas benches (rear stalls), and  with black and silver bands with a PT (Para-
                                            an assortment of canvas, wooden flip up and  gon Theatre) logo attached to the top.
                                            sprung chairs (balcony).
                                                                                During construction of the theatre, screenings
                                            An  unusual  feature  of  the  theatre  was  the  were held in the Band Hall and the Palace
                                            installation of a sweets counter opening from  Theatre. Both of these venues closed after the
                                            the  rear  of  the  manager’s  office  to  the  rear  opening of the new theatre.
                                            cross aisle of the stalls.
                                                                                In later years, a horizontal Paragon neon sign
                                            The large stage area had a sloped floor and  was fixed to the parapet of the theatre. This
                                            small  dressing  rooms.  An  orchestra  pit  was  was removed some time ago.
                                            built, but was covered over in later years. The

          Dudley Gee

        The theatre was constructed with a shop on
        each side of the narrow entrance. On the left
        side was a milk bar, and the shop on the right
        was  initially  used  as  the  manager’s  office.
        Steps led up to the small entrance foyer that
        sloped  up  to  the  stalls  entrance.  Originally,
        metal  gates  secured  the  entrance.  Narrow
        staircases, to the left and right, led directly to
        the cross aisle separating the lounge and circle
        areas.  Two  ticket  boxes  were  located  in  the

        The stalls was accessed via central doors to a
        rear cross aisle. Two aisles divided the stalls
        into three sections. The stalls floor was sloped
        downwards in the rear half, then was level to
        the stage. A lattice fence was constructed up

        Interior of Paragon

                                                                                             Interior of Paragon

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