Page 16 - CinemaRecord #84
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CAPITOL THEATRE, MILDURA                                                accessed  through  these  exits.  The  extensive
                                                                                decoration was achieved by the use of “plastic
        The Theatre Beautiful                      By Gerry Kennedy             cement”,  which  also  provided  excellent
                                                                                acoustics.  The  stage  curtains  were  made  of
                                                                                silk.  Washingtons  supplied  all  the  soft
             ildura  is  located  in  the  fruit  growing  motifs. A large vertical neon sign was fitted to
        Mdistrict  at  the  north-west  corner  of  the façade.                 The stalls had two aisles, and the latest flip up
        Victoria,  some  480  km  north-north-west  of                          upholstered seats by Wards (Melbourne) were
        Melbourne and, over the years, has sustained  The theatre was entered via a short arcade, then  used. They were covered in cream, fawn and
        several cinemas.                    through glass doors to an inner foyer. Deep  brown  tonings  with  gold  piping.  The  circle
                                            piled carpets were used throughout. Two staff  was fitted with chairs in the same tonings. The
        The  retailing  firm  of  Washingtons  Pty.  Ltd.  doors opened onto the entry arcade - one for  rows were widely spaced for comfort and ease
        decided to move into the film business, and  the candy bar, and the other for ticket sales.  of access. The seating capacity was 800 (stalls
        formed the company "Murray Valley Theatres  Upon  entering  the  small  foyer  the  stalls  500, circle 300). There were four price levels
        Ltd."  On  3  April  1935,  the  prolific  theatre  entrance  was  straight  ahead.  The  circle  was  -  front  stalls,  back  stalls,  circle  and  circle
        architects  Cowper,  Murphy  and  Appleford,  accessed by stairs-cases to the left and right  lounge.
        applied to the Victorian Health Department for  hand sides. At the first landing the stairs were
        approval  to  alter  and  extend  retail  premises  joined by a cross gangway (under the rake of  There were no exposed lights on the ceiling.
                                                                                The side-walls were lit by trough mounted and
                                                                                bracket  fittings.  Backlighting  was  also
                                                                                provided  through  patterned  grills  on  the
                                                                                splayed  walls.  Attractive  coloured  lighting
                                                                                changes were possible.
                                                                                The projection booth was situated at the rear
                                                                                of  the  circle,  housing  the  latest  Benbow
                                                                                machines,  manufactured  in  South  Australia.
                                                                                Projection lenses were by J.H. Dallmeyer of
                                                                                London,  and  the  sound  amplifiers  were
                                                                                designed and built by R. Alexander, the brother
                                                                                of the exhibitor. The Capitol was one of the
                                                                                few theatres equipped with Western Electric’s
                                                                                "Wide Range Sound Reproduction" process.
                                                                                Speakers were by Jensen and the screen was
                                                                                made of perforated rubber, surfaced with Duco.

                                                                                Mechanical ventilation was provided by means
                                                                                of ducted, fan forced air. These ducts led to
                                                                                perforated  outlets  on  each  side  of  the
                                                                                proscenium. The ducts also extended to grill
                                                                                outlets under the circle rake and in the stair
                                                                                risers of the circle. A 6 ft. diameter fan pushed
         Former Capitol Theatre building
                                                                                the air through a "washing" process.
                                            the circle) which led to the final staircase to
        owned by Washingtons at 39 Langtree Ave.,  the left hand side. This staircase led directly to  Building works took 6 weeks, with up to 70
        into  a  modern  picture  theatre,  the Capitol.  the cross aisle of the circle. A small manager's  men on the site at any one time. The result,
        Mr. C.J. Washington was the spokesman for  office was built under the left hand staircase.  from plans and text descriptions, was one of a
        the Company.                                                            most attractive and comfortable theatre with
                                            The  pillars  supporting  the  upper  floor  were  the  latest  in  projection  and  equipment.  This
        The  site  was  small  for  a  theatre,  measuring  removed and replaced with horizontal girders.  was typical of architectural style in previous
        only 9.9 m x 46.5 m (33' x 155'). Nevertheless,  The auditorium featured a parabolic floor to  cinemas and later new and refurbished cinemas.
        the architects were able to design an attractive,  improve  sight  lines  in  the  stalls.  Decorative
        intimate venue. The theatre was built on two  plaster panels were fitted between the piers.  Washingtons applied to the Health Department
        levels and was of brick and steel construction.  The side-walls were splayed to the proscenium  to open the theatre on the night of 14 June 1935
        The exterior of the building was refurbished  of the deep stage. These walls included left and  and large advertisements were placed in local
        into a modern façade including some art deco  right hand exits leading to corridors on each  newspapers. However, because of the delay in
                                            side of the stage The back yard toilets were  completion,  an  advertisement  was  placed  in

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