Page 33 - CinemaRecord #82
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                                                                                                        Sunset Drive‐In ‐ Port Pirie

                 In  September  1957,  John  left  Windsor  As country television reception improved, the
                 Theatres  and  was  appointed  projectionist  at  drive-in reduced its screenings to Wednesday
                 the  new Shandon  Drive-In at  Port  Pirie  for  nights and weekends, so John worked on the
                 the Shandon Group. He also helped with the  Wednesday night and the Thompson family did
                 installation  at  the  drive-in  whilst  June  was  the weekends.
                 pregnant with their third child, Phillip.
                                                     During  their  time  in  Kadina,  John  and  June
                 They  stayed  in  Port  Pirie  until  1958,  when  also  became  involved  with  the  trotting  club.
                 Bruce  Cunnew  persuaded  John  to  move  to  John was the judge at the race meetings and
                 Kadina  where  he  was  appointed  to  the  role  June  organised  and  catered  for  the  members
                 of  Manager/Projectionist  of  the  newly  built  and stewards on race nights. John also installed
                 Sunset  Drive-In  Theatre.  Again,  John  the  photo  finish  and  lighting  when  the  track
                 was  also  involved  with  the  projection  room  was enlarged.
                 installation.                                                                                       Bute
                                                     Working only Wednesday nights at the drive-in,
                 The Sunset  opened  in  December  1958  and  John also worked five and a half days a week
                 June was pregnant again; Peter was on his way.  for  Hannan  Bros.  Ltd.  in  Kadina  as  an  auto
                 In the next five years June and John had three  electrician, becoming their marine specialist.
                 more children: Julie was born in 1960, Grant
                 in 1962 and finally, Debra in 1964. All up they  The  couple  still  found  themselves  having
                 had seven children in nine and a half years!  spare  time  on  weekends  so  they  opened  the
                                                     Bute Cinema in the Soldiers Memorial Hall
                 June also worked at the drive-in as a cook and
                                                     on  Saturday  nights.  Diana  and  Bruce  also
                 counter hand in the canteen. Bruce was starting                                                     Bute
                 to show an interest in the projection room and  became involved at Bute; Diana worked with
                 following in his dad’s footsteps.   her mother in the ticket box and Bruce worked
                                                     with his dad in the projection room.
                 In 1962 the Sunset was sold to Mr Henderson
                 of Shandon Drive-Ins and then sold again to  Whilst  travelling  around  the  Bute  and
                 Ken and Pam Thompson in 1965 and ultimately  Snowtown  area  for  Hannan  Bros,  John
                 renamed, the Peninsula.             found  that  entertainment  was  also  needed  in
                                                     Snowtown,  so  they  returned  movies  to  that
                                                     location,  rotating  between  the  two  towns
                                                     on  alternate  weekends.  It  was  found  that
                                                     Snowtown  was  a  better  prospect,  so  they                   Bute
                                                     stopped screening at Bute.


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