Page 4 - CinemaRecord #81
P. 4
hankyou for CinemaRecord #80, what a
illustrations and good stories!
urther to the article The Russell Cinemas: The closure of the Greater Union Russell
FEnd of an Era (CR#80), I advise that the Cinemas LQ 0HOERXUQH VLJQL¿HV DQ HYHQW RI
seating capacity of the Russell Cinemas was enormous historical importance for cinema
2588 - not 2599 as stated. history in Australia. One has seen within the
For a comparison, I have also shown here the other states, one downward turn following
seating capacity for the Hindley Cinemas, another…
In Sydney, I believe it all began with the sale
and demolition of “The theatre Beautiful”, the
Prince Edward – one of the most successful
cinemas in this city. Then there was the loss of
the mighty Sydney Regent in highly dramatic
The closed Sydney Plaza then acquired a
McDonalds hamburger outlet within its former
stalls and foyer area, whilst in the upstairs area
a bar and disco area was created. The latter
v addition made possible by removing the unique
Spanish ceiling under locked doors.
A preview theatrette was also added upstairs
with the overall design made to look like the
Some of the Russell and Hindley interiors original Plaza by incorporating sections of the
were similar too: Spanish décor.
MGMs grand Sydney showcase, the St.James
also demolished stone by stone.
Time would see the demise of all except
the State and Capitol theatres as Sydney’s
remaining city cinema heritage.
Other cities: Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide have
I have a copy of the special opening feature DOVR VHHQ WKH GHPLVH RI WKHLU RQFH ÀRXULVKLQJ
of the Russell Cinemas from The Herald cinema palaces and second-class houses, further
newspaper (22/11/78) and if the society doesn’t diminishing our cinema heritage.
it, I’d be happy to copy mine for you.
I also have a spare copy of each of the Someday, someone may write of the rise and
following lift-outs: fall of today’s cinema multiplexes! No-one can
Village Centre. Bourke Street. The Sun 26/6/86. say where motion pictures may have a place –
Capital Theatre, Bendigo. The Advertiser 26/4/91. or even a future.
Please let me know if the Society would like As always, thankyou for your good work on
any of the above. CinemaRecord.
Keep up the good work!
Kind Regards, William Gray.
Alan Bell. EŽƌƚŚ WĂƌƌĂŵĂƩĂ͘ E^t
Paruna. SA.
Below: The last Territory drive-in is no more.
ALICE SPRINGS: In February, digital
projection equipment replaced the 35mm
Kinoton machines for the art-house cinema at
the Araluen Arts Centre.
ALICE SPRINGS: The structures at the
derelict Pioneer/Starline Drive-In have been
demolished to clear the site for redevelopment.
(See page 22)