Page 5 - CinemaRecord #80
P. 5

FITZROY:  A rare survivor of the silent-era,
           the former  Lyric Theatre may be bulldozed
           for a proposed $30 million development
           which would include 155 apartments above a
           supermarket and retail space. Moves to have   Fitzroy Lyric
           the existing building retained and adapted have
           been dismissed by the developer and council.

           MELBOURNE: Greater Union closed their sole
           Victorian site, the 7-screen  Russell Cinemas
           on  Wednesday October 2 for demolition to
           construct a hotel/apartment block due to open
           in early 2016.

           WAURN PONDS: Using 55 speakers,
           $XVWUDOLD¶V  ¿UVW  LQVWDOODWLRQ  RI  Dolby Atmos
           sound immersion system was launched (along
           with twin-digital projectors) in the revamped
           cinema 1 of the Reading Cinema Complex on
           November 2.

           WONTHAGGI:  A Christie 2220 digital   MARYBOROUGH:   The twin cinemas                            Maryborough
           projector with DoReMi Server has been   operating in the old Paramount Theatre have
           installed at the 450-seat Wonthaggi Cinema.  closed.

           LORNE: The seaside, heritage Lorne Theatre   MELBOURNE:  Objections  have  been
           completed their upgrade to digital projection   lodged against the proposed construction of
           and sound in early September. This will allow   an additional new level on the rooftop of the
           greater programing possibilities for the single-  former Hoyts Cinema Centre in Bourke Street
           screen venue.                        which will have a detrimental impact on the
                                                DUFKLWHFWXUDO  LQWHJULW\  DQG  VLJQL¿FDQFH  RI  WKH
           GLENFERRIE:  Work is due to commence   building.
           on construction of the 927-seat Lido Cinemas
           within the shell of the former  Glen Theatre.    WARRAGUL: Fittings and equipment still   CROYDON: The four-screen cinema complex
           Opening is expected to be in July 2014.  in situ at the long closed  Twilight Drive-In   is on the market again.
                                                Theatre were sold at a clearing sale in October.
           WEST MELBOURNE: In November the      Both projection equipment and the giant
           IRUPHU  3DUDPRXQW 8,3  ¿OP  GHVSDWFK  LQ   movie screen were sold cheaply and have been
           Adderley Street was been sold at auction for
           $1.7 million.                        removed.
                                                MELBOURNE: An objection to the proposed
           FOUNTAIN GATE:   Three Gold Class    demolition and redevelopment of the 100 year   SALISBURY SOUTH: A new cinema complex
           Cinemas opened at the  Village Cinemas   old Palace Theatre in Bourke Street has been   has been proposed for this suburb and also at
           Complex in Fountain Gate shopping centre on   lodged by the Melbourne Heritage  Action   suburban Newtown.
           Thursday 21  November.
                                                Group citing destroying a building of local   GLENELG: An outdoor cinema on the Glenelg
                                                KHULWDJH  VLJQL¿FDQFH  DQG  WKH  XQV\PSDWKHWLF   foreshore is planned for a three week season in
           ST.KILDA:  The summer season of  Ben and   size and nature of the proposed residential
           Jerry’s Open-Air Cinema on the South Beach   tower development that ignores height controls.   December.
           Reserve opened on December 1 with live bands   The  Victorian Parliament have also objected,
           SUHFHGLQJ ¿OP VFUHHQLQJV                                                 ADELAIDE:  Tenders closed on December 2
                                                but in early December, a recommendation to   for the major refurbishment of Her Majesty’s
           DROMANA: High winds in October caused   the Heritage Council by its executive director   Theatre.
           damage at the Dromana 3 Drive-In with a large   argued that the theatre does not meet the
           panel blown out of the former  Hoyts Altona   WKUHVKROGV RI VLJQL¿FDQFH WR EH SURWHFWHG

            Dromana Screen 2
                                                                                                     Her Majestys – Adelaide

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