Page 9 - CinemaRecord #79
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Melb: Seven storeys high, the old screen comes down. Melb: New speakers behind screen frame.
The larger the screen, the more light that is
needed, and true “giant screen” Imax theatres
(such as Australia’s only two at Melbourne
Museum and Darling Harbour) have
During the February upgrade, the 15-year old continued to use 15/70 film prints, as only that
Melbourne screen was cut down, a new one format and the 15,000K-lit GT projectors have
carefully hoisted and laced into place, and then been able to completely fill and sufficiently
a specially constructed automated painting rig light screens of such immense size.
gave it three coats of high-gain silver paint. An When introduced, laser projection will
existing projection port also had to be enlarged overcome the lighting/screen filling limitations
for the two digital projectors and to house the of the current digital system’s xenon lamps, by
built-in camera which visually calibrates the instead using a Laser Light engine to project
system to ensure optimum viewing quality. much bigger and brighter digital images than
Both digital picture and auditorium sound are conventional Imax print and digital projectors
calibrated daily. do, with richer color and ultra-dark blacks.
Melb: New screen is up and being painted.
Sydney Imax had already replaced their When installed in late in 2014, the Laser units
screen back in February 2012 and installation will replace both the Imax 15/70 film projector
of the same Imax 2k digital projection system and the Imax Digital twin-projector systems.
was carried out over two weeks from mid-
February this year. Both theatres re-opened Big changes are still in store for Australia’s
from March 6th with digital 3D screenings of two biggest screens!
Oz the Great and Powerful.
With thanks to: Imax; Richard Morrison and David
In both locations, the new multi-format Booty. Melbourne Imax photos by Kevin Adams.
projection capability is an interim measure
whilst awaiting the release of Imax’s brand *CR Editor, Kevin Adams has been the full-time
new 4K digital Laser system which is currently Lead Projectionist at Melbourne Imax since
under development. opening in 1998.
Twin Imax 3D projectors.
Digital feature films
are delivered on a small hard-drive unit and an
electronic key is required to unlock the show.
Melb: Twin digital and GT film projectors with 3 70mm film plate units.