Page 31 - CinemaRecord #79
P. 31
With the old Empire completely re-configured Staff in Regent foyer.
into the new Civic Theatre, and new additions
at the Regent including an all new entrance
foyer built onto the left side of the building,
Gladstone picture-goers were very well
The two theatres, the Regent and the Civic,
both ran successfully presenting five double-
bill programs Monday to Saturday each week, Regent staff.
which equates to a lot of people who went to
the pictures very regularly in a town with a
population of only 6000 people.
In 1966, Stan Clapham retired and sold the
Civic to Keith Upton, who continued to run
films at both cinemas.
Later in the same year, the Uptons applied for
a licence to build a drive-in theatre in Boles
Street. Construction commenced early in 1967
and the Glen Drive-In Theatre opened in late
Regent with new entrance block at left.
Gwen Upton as Regent usherette 1949. Regent in the mid 1960s.
Regent with entrance relocated to new foyer
block at the left.