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C A H S (continued)
am writing in regards to Jim White’s
HISTORICAL SOCIETY I article in CR#73 about the Hoyts signs
ESTABLISHED 1989 that were attached to the façade of the former
Victory Theatre in St.Kilda.
ABN 37 195 378 179 He states that the sign on the Carlisle Street ST.KILDA SIGNS
Reg A0020747R side of the cinema was removed in the early 1980 Photograph by Peter Woolnough.
1970s, however this is incorrect as l have
The aims of CATHS are: to record the a photo of the theatre taken in 1980 which
history of cinemas and theatres, and to clearly shows both signs still in place. Those Hoyts signs at the St.Kilda Victory made
promote interest in theatre heritage and I believe that the Carlisle Street sign was it easy to locate when one approached in the
architecture, and other related areas. removed in the mid to late 1980s. tram from either direction- but what a job for
Patrons: the projectionists to replace all those light bulbs
Frank Van Straten OAM – possibly via a very high ladder!
Peter Smith OAM Also, l believe that the St.Kilda Victory, Best Regards,
Committee: along with the Victory at Malvern were to be William Gray.
President: Gerry Kennedy 0432 434 169 part of a chain of suburban Victory Theatres North Parramatta. NSW.
Vice President: Ross King 9370 9479 that were never built! Does anyone know if
Secretary: Mike Trickett 5278 1986 plans for other cinemas were submitted or reat to see the article about the St.Kilda
Treasurer: Rodney Bendix 9563 2927 why the chain never proceeded? GVictory (National) Theatre signage
Editor/Committee: Kevin Adams 0409 946 066 in CinemaRecord issue 73. One correction
Committee: Shane Moore, Royce Harris Yours Sincerely, and an update if I may…
H Peter Woolnough.
Qld. Convenor / Publicity Officer: Kyogle. NSW The Carlisle Street Hoyts sign was not
Steve Maggs 0413 805 320 removed in the early seventies. Like its twin
H hank you for CinemaRecord #73 – yet on Barkly Street it was converted to read
Archivist: Gerry Kennedy 0432 434 169 Tanother good issue! You have covered National Theatre as part of the conversion
Events Co-ordinator: a good number of theatre happenings in your of the building in 1972-74. Its fate was a little
Les Auld 9689 2765 Newsreel section and the use of pictures more dramatic in that it was bought down
Publications Sales: gives one a clear picture of the situations. during a ferocious storm in the late 1980s.
James Barrand 0418 520 315 We'd love to replace it and fix up its twin,
Membership Secretaries: Interesting to read of a rooftop cinema over but this is not happening in the near future!
Jim & Maureen Barrand
PO Box 476 Bentleigh Vic. 3204 in Western Australia- there was an item in The remaining lit sign (front face of the
CinemaRecord Editor: our local (Sydney) paper about someone awning on the corner) was constantly hit
Kevin Adams who had the idea to have a similar venue on by trucks & replaced with a light box on the roof of the building which once housed top of the awning about the same time. The
CATHS website: the business of Paramount Pictures (Later "Tonight" sign was relocated. Sadly the known as C.I.C.) Whether this will happen "Tonight" sign was destroyed and the light
Postal address: is yet to be seen. box badly damaged a few months ago during
PO Box 476, Bentleigh 3204. the last of the big storms in February. The
I was very impressed with the wonderful photos "Tonight" sign was last seen heading east
and the manner in which you handled my article towards the Town Hall!
Annual membership subscription is $45, on the Auburn Civic. Every one of the theatres Regards
(overseas subscribers $50) and members covered in CR#73 were excellent! Robert Taylor
receive four copies of CinemaRecord, National Theatre
notification of events, and copies of the
agenda and minutes of all meetings.
There is no joining fee. NEWSREEL CINEMA AND
Meetings are held on the last Sunday of
February, April, June, August,
October & November.
The Archive is located in the Prahran
Mechanics’ Institute, 140 High Street HOBART: Awaiting redevelopment into a
Prahran, 9510 3393. The Archive will 12-storey office and retail tower, owners of
be open between 9.30am and 12.30pm the closed Odeon Theatre (1916 Strand)
on the Saturday before each meeting will allowed use of the 1100-seat theatre
(see above), and at other times by as a venue for the annual 10-day Festival
appointment with the archivist. of Voices season in mid-July. It is hoped
Publications that continued use will be allowed until
Back issues of CinemaRecord, other
publications, CDs and videos are redevelopment occurs – which will see only
available at meetings. Items are also the façade retained.
available by mail. Please contact James
Barrand on 0418 520 315 for details. HOBART: The Village Cinema Complex Somthing to Share? Letters, Feedback
in Collins Street has now fully converted to & News. Your contributions will be most
digital projection for its seven screens. Other welcome and much appreciated!
Village locations in Tasmania are to follow. Email: