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five  weeks  of  work  and  that  the  Western
                                                                                    Electric  sound  system  cost  6,000  pounds,
                                                                                    (that’s $42,000 in today’s money.)
                                                                                    To  attract  audiences  in  the  Depression
                                                                                    years, management continued with live acts
                                                                                    including  ‘a  new  jazz  orchestra  under  the
                                                                                    direction  of  Mr  J  Kost’,  ‘The  Brunswick
                                                                                    Harmonica  Band,  22  performers  for  one
                                                                                    week’  and  baby  competitions.  There  was
                                                                                    also this tug at the heartstrings:
              Each  Regent  was  given  a  distinctive   The  Leader  was  also  prepared  to  judge
              proscenium. At Thornbury, the square-edge   boorish conduct: ‘The individuals who last   The  Leader  ran  as  a  news  item  that  Hoyts
              version is so typical of the work of Henry   Saturday night sat in a box at the beautiful   directors would present a prize of 75-pounds to
              White that perhaps Sam and Jim liked what   new  Regent  and  consumed  fish  and  chips   the manager of the theatre ‘who shows the best
              they  had  seen  when  the  firm  was  at  the   were mentally incapable of appreciating the   business for May’. Taking this a step further,
              Princess in 1922. (See Ren Millsom’s history   taste and comfort of the theatre itself. Why do   the  manager  of  the  Regent  ‘stated  that  he
              of  the  family  association  with  theatres    some people go to theatres for their meals?   himself, if the prize came to the Regent, would
              in this edition.)                  Which brings us back to the old proverb of   add ten pounds and donate the whole sum to a
                                                 pearls and swine.’                 committee for distribution throughout Preston,
              The  width  of  this  stage  would  later  be  a                      Thornbury and Northcote for blankets and food
              perfect  setting  for  CinemaScope,  which  gave   The Regent backed up its screen fare with   for the workless.’
              Thornbury the second-widest screen after the   a  strong  line-up  of  vaudeville  talent.  They
              Victory  in  St  Kilda. Advertising  firm  Val   included  The  Big  Four,  The  Ansteys  and   The  story  continued,  ‘Naturally  this  will
              Morgan and Sons paid this stage a compliment   The  Campbell  Boys  –  all  contracted  to  the   require the closest cooperation between the
              when, for a decade, slide presentations in every   Tivoli  Theatre  circuit .  In  August  1925   public and management in order to win the
              Hoyts Suburban Theatre began with an image of   the  Savoy  Havana  Band  was  described   competition, and for this Mr Melvin makes a
              the Thornbury interior. Perhaps it photographed   as ‘the most expensive act ever billed in a   special appeal. Specialty attraction programs
              best for transfer to a glass slide.   suburban theatre.’ The South Yarra Regent   would  be  arranged.  Special  matinees  are

                                                 also offered prologues, but Thornbury seems   to be held for children, and all children are
              On-going snippets in the Northcote Leader   to have publicised them more assertively.     asked  to  join  the  Childrens’  Cinema  Club,
              show  that  the  citizens  of  Thornbury  were                        entrance to which is free’.
              proud of their theatre. ‘Everybody knows the   The  merger  of  Associated  Theatres  with
              Regent and the splendid entertainment you   Hoyt’s Pictures in 1926 meant that Thornbury   There  was  no  need  for  special  pleading
              will always have there.’  (It helped that the   became a Hoyts Suburban Theatre in every   once  the  war  started. At  one  Horror  Night
              Regent was a big advertiser.)      practical sense.                   in  1941  a  Health  Department  inspector
                                                                                    found 50 – 80 people sitting in the upstairs
                                                 Talkies came to the Regent in August 1929,   aisles. The manager claimed that the temper
                                                 one  month  before  any  other  theatre  in  the   of  the  clambering  crowd  was  such  that  he
                                                 district.  The  tag-line  became  The  Theatre   feared  damage  to  the  theatre  if  admission
                                                 of Perfect Sound and Projection. The paper   was  refused.  Some  minor  damage  was
                                                 reported  that  wiring  the  theatre  had  taken   reported anyway. (2)

              Photographs this page
              Top: An alternative view of the interior.
              The orchestra pit is now covered.
              Remastered by Barrie Wraith.
              Above: Val Morgan advertising slide.
              Image: Peter Ricketts.

              Right: Theatre Orchestra 1929’ is much more;
               the entire staff celebrate a win. Front row,L-R
              is Orchestra leader Charles Vita, John Kost,
              Bert Munyard and Agnes Tyer; the only people
              identified. Source: SLV, remastered by B. Wraith.

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