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By Robert Parkinson.
ersons of my Skating was revived at various times
Pvintage (born while the attached rooms were given
1939) probably over to a variety of functions from
remember a dentistry, bootmaking, printing and
Trocadero Ballroom rental accommodation. From 1920 to
in George Street, 1970 Propert’s Motor Body Works
Sydney - alongside occupied the main hall and lower level.
the magnificent
Regent Theatre,
both long since
demolished. Not many know of a
Trocadero in Newtown, and incredibly
it still stands almost untouched from
when it opened on 5 April 1889.
Located among the northern group of
commercial premises on King Street,
Newtown it often attracts attention
from passers-by because of the highly
ornamented facade. Anyone lucky Moore Theological College purchased
enough to have inspected the interior on the premises in 1974 and not long
a rare heritage tour usually gasps at the after leased the hall to a second-hand
sheer size of the hall running through to furniture dealer.
Campbell Street at the rear.
The hall is also notable for the iron- Twenty years later all occupants vacated
spanned roof which had an opening the premises when the local council
clerestory. A timber balcony (now required upgrading for fire safety. The
removed) extended around all sides of College restored much of the front
the interior and protected occupants portion to its elaborate 19 century style,
with a balustrade of iron lace. Mirrors and from 2010 a long term lease was
were placed at intervals in the plastered granted to a company making animated
walls from which hung brackets to hold pictures and associated products.
floral decorations.
Lighting was provided by a generating
plant prior to connection to public
supply after 1916. Fours shops ran
along the King Street frontage.
Opened as the Trocadero and
Academie de Musique by Frederick
Ferrier, it was in fact a skating rink with
clubrooms, baths, hairdressing salon
and café. The ambitious project did not
survive beyond 1891, and the promoter
was forced to auction its contents, as
well as those of the Freemasons’ Hotel
in York St, city, of which he had been
the lessee.