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For instance, during a comedy the I commenced work as Projectionist and Ordinary People followed by The
projectionist might suddenly interrupt a in 1982 — the film screening then was Four Seasons. We also did re-runs of
film and run an ad, perhaps even back- Outland. This was followed by 2001 and Sleeping Beauty — both in
the-front, — or slip in a trailer for some Gallipoli which was also screening at 70mm.
old obscure film that no one had ever the Melbourne Capitol and the The Late Shows were reintroduced
heard of. Camberwell Rivoli. It was an incredible but failed to make a profit and were
On many occasions they would run success with full houses every night for cancelled after a few weeks.
an old serial — Deadwood Dick comes the first eight weeks. Remember that in Alan Simpson went on to have
to mind. those days we were only open in the some success — the best being La
evening on weeknights with three
The Trak remained a very Traviata which ran for many months to
sessions on Saturdays and Sundays!
successful operation right through the capacity audiences.
eighties, despite South Yarra’s It was wonderful screening to full The Trak was also well known for
Longford Cinema opening in 1976 houses every day. its famous “Ladies’ Luncheons” where
which took some of the audience away. After Gallipoli finished its run, the various charity groups would conduct
Village Cinemas Ltd programmed theatre was sub-leased to Alan Simpson screenings of new films fairly
the Trak as a simultaneous release who introduced an entirely different frequently. It would not be unusual to
house with its city counterparts, but style of programming. have at least one Ladies’ Day Luncheon
over the years audiences began to The Trak became a repertory house at least once per week.
dwindle and some of the shine went screening double bills such as The
from the cinema. Elephant Man with The Life of Brian