Page 34 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2003 #41
P. 34

The Prince Edward, Woburn

                                 A theatre with an original décor suited local sensibilities,
                                   and matched a  tourist's image of rural New Zealand.
                                                     by Tony Froude

            The theatre, on Cambridge Terrace
          Lower Hutt, was on the corner opposite
          the Woburn Railway Station, within
          walking distance of a significant
          residential area. Designed by WJ
          Prouse, architect of the Majestic
          Wellington, assisted by Mr Wilson, it
          opened on 26 August 1930.
             The opening was performed by the
          Mayor of Lower Hutt, Sir Alexander
          Roberts. ‘The picture screen, to his
          mind, was developing in the right
          direction. The people of the district had
          no need to go elsewhere to find a
          beautiful theatre.’
            The Chairman of Directors Mr J     The walls were draped to enhance
          Toogood also spoke. He thanked the  the sound presentation. As part of the
          architects and contractors and made the  hunting lodge theme, two open hearths
          claim that “…there was no other theatre  - one either side of the stage - had
          of like design in New Zealand.” In the  electric simulated fires, although they
          interval Mr J.W.Andrews rose from the  actually hid the central heating
          audience calling for three cheers for the  appliances fed by coal. The chief
          management, which received a hearty  projectionist for 30 years, Les
          response. The Honourable Walter Nash,  Bloomfield remembers how the boilers
          Member for the district and later Prime  sometimes filled the auditorium with
          Minister, also spoke before the start of  smoke, ruining image clarity. From my
          the feature, Radio Pictures’ Alias  experience this problem was common
          French Gertie.                    in the South Island also.
            The projectors were Ernemann 2     Downstairs the seats were a mixture
          models, with Fisher soundheads.   of hide and plush upholstery. Upstairs
            ‘Viewed from the outside the    was reached by way of a wide staircase  One of the impressive coach lamps
          imposing and massive structure gives a  to a lounge hung with old English        Enhancement: Barrie Wraith
          good idea of the spacious interior. The  tapestries. The adjoining circle featured  As an extra revenue earner the
          main entrance on the comer leads  rich drapes and deep pile carpet. Green  building had four shops and two flats,
          directly into a large auditorium where  palms, we read, added to 'the cool  one of them used by the manager. Les
          wide aisles and cosy seating shows that  delightful appearance of the lounge'.  told me that initially the Prince
          the management has not considered box  Upstairs in the auditorium, thick  Edward was not a great money spinner
          receipts at the expense of patron ease  carpets were laid on the stair risers and  due to the Depression and the number
          and comfort.                      the seats were upholstered in moquette.  of cinemas in the valley, but its fortunes
                                            The cloakrooms were excellently
            The theatre was planned on the                                     improved when it turned to double
                                            appointed, and the theatre had the latest
          lines of an English hunting lodge -                                  features on a flat fee basis. In the 1937
                                            in talkie equipment.
          heavy drapes, deer heads on the walls                                refit, seating was reduced from 1,000 to
          and dark-stained beams. This rural, old-  Initially the Prince Edward only  850. With 600 seats permanently
          world appearance was unique in a  operated on Tuesdays, Thursdays and  booked on Saturday night, only 250
          cinema in New Zealand, even though it  Saturdays.  Les remembers that when  more tickets needed to be sold to get a
          suits an image of New Zealand as the  it opened the seats were fastened by  full house. At the same time it gained
          mountain haunt of deer.           one-inch thick boards in groups of five.  the nickname The Barn, not exactly the
                                            As movies were only on three nights a
            Perhaps the Tudor in Remuera                                       sort of endearment a cinema manager
                                            week the theatre was used for other
          (Auckland), built by Hayward Pictures,                               would like to hear.
                                            purposes, and for a time badminton was
          came closest to the same idea.                                          The curtain was a waterfall type, but
                                            played downstairs with the seats shifted
          Suspended from the beams were six                                    the drums over which the cables ran
                                            to the back of the stalls. Following the
          electric chandeliers, while wall lighting                            were not sufficiently grooved, and from
                                            renovation of 1937 it switched to six
          was from coach lights on scroll                                      time to time gave trouble. Les
                                            days a week.
          brackets.                                                            remembers that there were also curtains
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