Page 27 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2003 #41
P. 27

Religious leaders were now more
          relaxed about subject matter. Clerics
          were known to attend and laugh at  Above: The interior of the Olimpico at
          performances of Plautus's bawdy tales.  Vicenza: ornate surroundings that will be
          The man who would become Pope Pius  reproduced again in the early 20th
          II even wrote a suggestive comedy in  century.
          the Plautus manner.               Right: The approach to the theatre.
          Early Renaissance Theatres
            Noblemen were known to adapt halls
          into showplaces by installing a scaffold
          stage, perhaps with a proscenium frame,  Others display four divisions of the  Possibly inspired by the Roman theatre
          which was dismantled after the    background, comparable to the classical  at Orange in France (see CR 55), it
          performance. Alberti is said to have  stage wall pierced with doors, or the  contains thirteen rows of seats in the
          created a theatrum in the Vatican palace  frons scaenae (stage wall) of the  shape of an ellipse, rather than a semi-
          of Nicholas V in 1452. However,   Romans. The illustrations also show a  circle, providing better sight lines and
          theatrum does not refer exclusively to a  medieval influence. Each doorway  greater intimacy. There is a flat
          playhouse. It can also be used more  represents a house with a name above  orchestra floor for the chorus. A raised
          generally to describe a place of  it. However, only four identical houses  and raked stage is backed by a long
          exhibition.                       are used in the setting, as compared to  wall with three doorways, flanked by
            A theatre built at Ferrara in 1532 is  possibly forty that might have been  two shorter ones, each with a single
          believed to have been based on    expected in a Mystery play of the  opening. The central opening is in the
          illustrations by the Roman architect  Middle Ages.                   form of a Roman triumphal arch.
          Vitruvius (c.16-13 BC) whose work  Notable Theatres                     Palladio died before the theatre was
          was published in 1511. The principles  Arisoto’s theatre at Ferrara was  completed. New architect Vicenzo
          of late Hellenic and Roman architecture  followed by the first real playhouse  Scamozzi built short street vistas
          began to be applied to Italian buildings,  built in Italy since the fall of Rome, the  behind the five doorways. The theatre
          including theatres. The sprawling  Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza. Andrea  opened in 1585 with a cast of 108 in a
          theatre setting of the religious play was  Palladio designed it for the Olympic  performance of Sophocles’ Oedipus
          not relevant to the Renaissance theatre  Academy of Vicenza. Construction  Rex. The theatre was admired for the
          architect.                        began in 1580 and it was completed in  ‘exquisite beauty of its proportions.’ It
            One set of illustrations for the  1585. Significantly, it was the work of  could accommodate 3,000 persons who
          revived works of Terence published in  scholars and aristocrats and intended  admired ‘the overall impression of
          1493 and 1497, show a stage on a  exclusively for theatrical production.  incredible loveliness, which arises from
          raised platform between classical pillars  Olimpico is a model Renaissance  the friezes, architraves, cornices,
          and an architectural background.   theatre in the academic tradition.  festoons and columns with very
                                                                               beautiful capitals.’

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