Page 7 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2003 #41
P. 7
Bendigo’s Lyric Theatre: Memories Etched In Stone.
It’s not often a cinema is
demolished and earns a ‘memorial
forecourt’, but such is the case for
Bendigo’s Lyric theatre. The Lyric’s
last film was in 1965. A fire in 1967
forced a trim of the walls to a safe level
and a rebuild as offices and shops. The
façade was demolished in 2007 to make
way for the headquarters of the
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank.
As construction of the bank
building advanced towards the remnant,
an outpouring of sentiment moved the
bank to agree to a permanent reminder.
It was a case of absence makes the
heart grow fonder, for the Lyric was
the least attractive of Bendigo’s three
main cinemas.
The result, finished just in time for
the Official Opening by the Prime
Minister in December 2008, is a series
of smooth stone slabs pointed towards
the main entrance, with a history of the
cinema embossed on their sides. This is
(most of) what is written:
‘The Lyric Theatre was opened on
26th February 1913 under the name of
‘The Bendigo Lyric Photoplays
Limited’… It has a seating capacity of
close to 3000 people… In the roof there
are three large openings, fitted with
sliding roofs, so that even on the hottest
night the building is quite cool. The Top: The Bank headquarters edges closer to the facade of the theatre.
whole of the theatre is brilliantly Above: The completed forecourt.
lighted throughout with electricity, and
Their lovely cakes were available, as
has a most commodious stage, its
well as sweets, ice cream and soft drinks Many a week’s pocket money was
dimensions being 40 feet x 60 feet.
which were popular at interval time. spent in going ‘to the flicks.’ One of the
The vestibule, which is most most popular features of the matinee
Mr. Oscar Flight’s orchestra provided
attractive and artistic, is also brilliantly program was the serial film, … The
the music every night, skilfully chosen.
lit with electricity. The theatre showed Lyric Theatre was the first in Bendigo
At matinees on Saturday afternoons
silent pictures from the time it was built to modernise its auditorium and
sometimes only a pianist provided the
in 1913. Patrons had the choice of seats upgrade its projection room to show
music. Sixpence (or five cents) was the
in the stalls, or upstairs in more lavish those magical films, the talkies. ★
charge, and naturally they were
surroundings and better seats. At the
extremely popular with children and A full history of the Lyric,by
entrance was one of Favalaros’ cafes
young people who in those times were Michael Purden is in CinemaRecord 18.
where bookings could be made.
not allowed out at night.