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NEW ZEALAND                       Tokoroa                            Books Chart NZ Cinema History
          DVD Ventures Prove Popular           Cinema 3 is back after a troubled
            At Featherston in the Wairarapa the  history. On the market for $NZ
          opening of the 40-seat digital cinema  350,1000 - lock, stock and barrel, it has
          was reported in CR 59. It is doing sell-  been sold as a going concern.
          out business with art-house movies.  Lighthouse Cinemas -
          Matinborough in the same area also has  Win Some, Lose Some
          a DVD cinema.                        Lighthouse Petone's fourth screen is
            At Waikanae, just north of      proving popular. The new 100-seater is
          Paraparaumu a boutique cinema with  the largest, bringing total seating to 246.
          licensed café and two screens is expected  The move into Auckland proved a
          to open before Christmas. Provision has  ‘no-go’ after plans to renovate the
          been made for a third screen. Seating  Victoria Theatre in Devonport to three
          will be 40 and 26, with two-seater sofas.  screens were knocked back by the
          The larger cinema will use 35mm   Historic Places Trust. The theatre
          projection, the other, commercial DVD.  remains closed.
          As with most cinemas of this type it will
                                               Lighthouse Cinema Upper Hutt,   The Celluloid Circus
          be pop-corn free.
                                            which began life as an industry preview
            This venture came about because  cinema, closed on 18 September. The  Wayne Brittenden
          Reading, with four screens at     building and all assets have been sold  Random House NZ
          Paraparaumu, refused to show any art  to pay creditors.              RRP $NZ49.99
          house movies, despite numerous requests.                                When a journalist heading up an
          The new cinemas will put pressure on  Lower Hutt.                    award-winning documentary film unit
                                               The Baptist Church paid $3.5
          Coehaven at Otaki, another DVD                                       in London decides to come home to get
                                            million to the Tony Tay Group for the
          operation screening six days a week.                                 interviews from long retired cinema
                                            cinemas and all retail space in Central
          Christchurch                      City Plaza. This was home to Hoyts 5  folk and is given access to a cache of
            The future of the historic Odeon -  Cinemas until last March. The church  cinema photos never before published,
          said to be the oldest masonry theatre in  expects to be using the venue by   the odds are that the result will be
          the country - and protected by a  years-end.                         worth it.
          Category One classification from the                                    Of the 300 photos and images in the
          Historic Places Trust, is still not secure.  Westport                book 25 are from our NZ correspondent
          Despite major repairs the building is  A weekend storm wrought havoc on  David Lascelles, who also acted as the
          still crumbling, which could mean  the St James, cracking walls and causing  author's NZ eyes and ears. As well as a
          demolition.                       part of the roof to collapse. A ‘dangerous  crucial piece of social history the book
                                            building notice’ was issued and the  includes a list of every picture-screening
          Waimate                           building was promptly demolished.   venue in the heyday year of 1953.
            The Regent is to get a makeover,
                                                                               The Reel Story:
          with new seats and a new candy bar.  Reporting by:
          Seating will be reduced from 495 to  Steve Maggs and Les Tod (Qld); David  A History of Napier and Hastings
          450. The theatre was built in 1956 by  Kilderry, Jo Maxion, Michael Purden  Cinemas 1896-1996
          Kerridge-Odeon.                   and Roderick Smith (Vic.); Colin Flint  David Turnbull and Michael Fowler
                                            (SA); David Lascelles and Tony Froude  Michael Fowler publishing Ltd
          Wellington                        (NZ).
            The Rialto 3 closed 15 June (not                                   PO Box 8947 Havelock North
                                                                               RRP $NZ50
          March as reported in CR 59), nearly 13
          years to the day it opened.               REEL                          Here is a specialist book for those
            Demolition for high-rise luxury                                    who want to drill down for detail about
          apartments is underway.                                              film exhibition in a particular place.
                                                                               It has about 300 photos in black and
          Hamilton                               DEALS                         white format and a history of all the
            Rialto Entertainment closed in                                     cinemas.
          October, the result of the new SkyCity   KEEPING FILM
          Cinema Centre taking most of the
          business.                          COLLECTORS IN TOUCH               CORRECTIONS
            As for the predicted sale of SkyCity                               Surnames
          Entertainment, Reading walked away at                                   In CR60, Newsreel page 5, Susanne
          the last moment.                            MIKE TRICKETT            Chauvel Carlsson was incorrectly
                                                      25 Fairlie Street
            SkyCity Cinemas have announced a                                   identified as Susanne Carlsson Chauvel.
          44.8 percent drop in earnings for the   North Geelong Vic. 3216      In Time Technical page 24, Rick
          year to $4.8m.                          Phone: AH 03 5278 1986       Wynne-Yorke was printed as Rick
                                                    Fax: 03 5278 3545
                                                                               Yorke-Wynne. The Editor apologises
                                                Email:   for any embarrassment.

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