Page 12 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2003 #41
P. 12
One Projectionist’s Life:
From A Regent To The Regent
Brian Quigley interviewd by Jim White
Part 1: It’s A Great Feeling
JW: What was the first cinema that you “You know, whoever got this job remember it as the first film I ever ran,
worked in - how did you get that job? wouldn’t be able to take any films or saw, from the projection room.
Well, I’d finished school, be in 1946 home.” I said I understand that fully, Actually, I didn’t see it, I was too
I think. yes. As I left the inner office I noticed fascinated with what was going on.
two other candidates waiting in line. The incredible thing about the
What school?
Myrtle Gale said, “Come back in an Regent South Yarra was that they
Richmond Technical - I’d done three hour and we’ll give you an answer.” forgot to build a projection room - and
years of turning and fitting practice and I
So I went down to the Albany there was a mighty panic to attach it to
was working part-time on a fruit stall up
where they showed the newsreels, sat the back wall on steel struts - and on
in Bridge Road at the time. I’d had that
that out uncomfortably for an hour, windy nights the whole place would
job while I was at school on Saturday
then made my way back to the office. shake. The projectors were Simplex on
mornings delivering fruit orders to
But there was one thing wrong - I Western Electric sound heads. The
people with my little hand truck and I
was only 15 years of age and you had rewind bench was down a couple of
was always looking in The Age - I was
to be 16 by law. So Myrtle Gale said, steps one end of the projection room,
always fascinated by those little black
“You’ve got the job - we’ll put your age and there was a door opening out on to
windows at the back of the cinemas and
up 12 months. Take this form up to the a landing where you went down a
the magic light that came out of them.
Health Department and have Mr. Vine vertical ladder to an escape hatch. And
And so one Saturday morning I got The
give you a trainee ticket.” film had a tendency to wobble off the
Age and there it was: ‘Trainee
So I made my way up to Queen neutral end of the re-winder and skid
projectionist required. Apply Hoyts
Street to see Mr. Vine, an old public on the bench and fall out the door and
Theatres Ltd, 191 Collins Street
servant from way back, and he signed drop down. It happened a couple of
Melbourne’, so I got pen and paper out
the application, and I was shivering in times, but not to me fortunately.
like a flash and my letter was in the mail
my boots wondering whether he was I spent nine months at the Regent. I
within an hour, and so then the next
going to ask me how old I was, but it think they forgot they’d put a second
fortnight just dragged, looking in the
never did come up. assistant out there. I was living in
letterbox each day for the return mail.
And so the following Saturday I Richmond at the time and it was a
Eventually it came. I was granted an
went armed with a letter from Myrtle three-penny tram fare along Chapel
interview with Mr. Mick Bramley at
Gale to the manager of the Regent Street to get home. I remember at the
Hoyts head office. But actually
South Yarra, where I was introduced to end of the show making my way down
(secretary) Myrtle Gale was the
projectionist Frank Krautel. I was to be to the tram and finding people waiting
instigator of the whole affair, I think.
second assistant projectionist. First thing at the stop who’d been to the pictures
She would take over before you even
I was taught was how to sweep the floor, and I’d stand there proudly thinking ‘I
got shown into the inner sanctum.
and that’s when my career began. helped entertain you.’ It was a great
And my interview went along the feeling - it’s a feeling I think a lot of
My first show, a two o’clock
lines of, “Hello son, sit down, I see you good projectionists must have, that
Saturday matinee, was Edward G.
have a movie projector, what size is it?” they’ve entertained a lot of people with
Robinson in Destroyer. I’m not sure
“Thirty-five mm Mr. Bramley.” their skills.
what exchange it came from, but I still