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No splashy entrance (left) to this cinema. Author’s photo
Next to speak was a director of A qualified nurse was in attendance, In May 1930 the theatre changed its
Christchurch Cinemas Ltd. Mr. Cecil cadets ran messages and car-parking sound system from RCA Phonophone
Haigh, who described the theatre as attendants could arrange free car to Western Electric. Fuller’s Theatres
“the last word in theatre construction, insurance. The local paper said of the were slowly standardising their sound
with all modern facilities. In addition to Majestic, ‘A house of entertainment systems to WE. The arrival of talking
a full and complete provision for the throws open to the theatre -going public pictures in New Zealand increased
screening of the all-conquering talking a building that will not only be devoted patronage by 25 percent. By 1932 New
pictures, the presentation of legitimate to the presentation of the best shows, Zealand had more picture theatres per
stage work will take place when but also a theatre that is architecturally head of population than any other
required.” an asset to the city and a thing of country in the world: 350 theatres - one
A rainbow of color from concealed beauty in interiors and exteriors.’ for every 4,577 citizens.
lighting lit the waterfall curtain. As the Opening policy was three sessions In 1941 Kerridge Theatres became
first images from the projector flickered daily: noon, 2.30 pm and evenings at the new owners of the Majestic in a
and colour drained from the curtain, it 8 pm. Prices for the evening show were complicated buy out of the New
slowly rose on a special dedication film. Circle: three shillings (30 cents), Stalls Zealand interests of John Fuller and
Al Jolson as Master of Ceremonies - deluxe chairs: two shillings and Sons Ltd. (They would also buy Fullers
introduced well-know stars of the day - sixpence (25 cents), Back Stalls: two Theatre Corporation NZ Ltd. in 1945,
Milton Sills, Alice White, Jack Mulhall, shillings (20 cents), Front Stalls: one and pick up the shares of John Fuller
Conrad Nagel, Monte Blue, Richard shilling (10 cents). Booking fee was and Sons in Christchurch Cinemas
Barthelmess and Dolores Costello. To a sixpence (five cents), plus tax. Ltd.)
background of soft orchestral music
each star expressed delight at the new
magnificent Majestic Theatre in
Christchurch, New Zealand and the
wonderful array of beautiful ladies and
gentleman comprising the audience.
At the conclusion Jolson sang
Sonny Boy. This was followed by the
Paramount Sound News, a variety
short, then the feature Welcome
Danger, Harold Lloyd’s first sound
feature. It ran for one week and was
followed by Gary Cooper as The
Service at the Majestic was the
most up to date in the city. The
commissionaire had direct
communication with taxi services.
Telephones and a message service were
available, along with a lost property
bureau at the information office.