Page 10 - cr58
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Minstrels could be the bawdy In time, plays that centred on
‘jongleurs’, or the more courtly Biblical history were complimented by
‘joculatores’. They might have attended Morality plays that posed questions of
the annual schools for minstrels (scolae right and wrong, virtue and vice. God
ministrallorum) in France or they might and the Devil were usually present.
have learned their art on the road. By Other characters included priests,
the early sixteenth century, many doctors and public officials. The plays
minstrels were employed by local might almost be considered to be
municipalities to entertain on civic religious. However, in the presentation
occasions. of these moral dilemmas, a certain
In the thirteenth century, Francis of measure of bawdiness was sometimes
Assisi described his own friars as necessary. Perhaps this harks back to
‘joculatores domin’ (minstrels of the the Classical Age. It is not however, the
Lord). They preached the gospel in the only classical inheritance. As noted,
vernacular by means of parables masks remained prevalent, as did
damned and breathe clouds of smoke
(storytelling). In this way they were machinery that could, for example,
required the coordinated efforts of
able to depict Jesus less as a figure of descend a god to the stage. Sometimes
seventeen men! Livestock were used,
mystery and more of an imitatible, classical architectural elements were
with perhaps a ram for sacrifice. Stage
conscientious human being. This was included in the outdoor theatre settings.
carpenters produced mock floods, fires
an important development toward the The rapid change of emotions and
and earthquakes.
‘humanising’ of Christian drama. the compulsiveness of the Morality
Clothing was often lavishly
In England important manuscripts plays are comparable to those of
embroidered and the actors bejewelled.
that involve biblical drama belong to classical times. The despair of the
Devils wore suits of leather and God
the Cycles. They cover the history of Crucifixion and the spiritual uplift of
wore fine gloves. Both God and the
Man from creation to the Day of the Resurrection could clearly touch the
archangels wore gilded masks. Even the
Judgement. The prominent Cycles were hearts and minds of a captivated
dress of musical performers was
Chester, York, Coventry and Towneley audience. The first known English
elaborate to add to the spectacle in
(also called Wakefield). Chester Morality play concerned the Lord's
which red or black costumes of the
(c.1328) is probably the oldest. It Prayer and was performed in York in
devils contrasted with brightly painted
appears to have been presented on the fourteenth century. The most
two-tier wagons over three days at five interesting extant example is perhaps
Christian drama - genres and different locations within the city. Everyman. It is believed to be of Dutch
origins Cycles were also produced at origin. English translations occurred
The liturgical plays of Europe are Canterbury, Lincoln and Newcastle. between 1493 and 1530.
not traceable to an exact place of The fourteenth century work The Some Mystery and Morality plays
origin. The ‘Mystery’ plays of England Building of the Ark is the only one to were undoubtedly long-winded and
and France (discussed below), the have survived from Newcastle. dull, because it was common to insert
‘sacraments’ of Italy and Spain, the ‘Mystery’ plays probably came to ‘interludes’ within the performances.
‘Geitspiele’ of the Germanic lands and England from France after the Norman Interlude means 'between the games'
other examples from central and Conquest (1066). During the and explains how they were utilised in
Eastern Europe have common themes. fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth Italy. They are sometimes referred to as
Similarly they all assume belief and centuries there appears to have been a Shrovetide plays, little more than
devotion from their audiences. steady flow of them. The fifteenth slapstick farces, probably more notable
The simple scene of the three Marys century is the true century of the for their vulgarity than for their
described earlier was enlarged to Mystery. The Passion of Christ is the humour. The French farce Pierre
include other scenes from the Bible most famous example. More than 100 Pathelin (1464) is arguably the most
such as the Nativity, the trial of Jesus, English towns, some of them extremely famous.
the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and small, are known to have performed
the Second Coming. Other popular such plays.
biblical works included Noah's Ark, Mysteries were also popular in
Jonah and the Whale, Daniel in the France where they included non-
Lion's Den and Samson and Delilah. biblical stories such as Joan of Arc and
There were also tales of the saints. the Fall of Troy. They were intended to
Although the initial performers were showcase huge spectacles in which
priests and choirboys, laymen were three hundred to five hundred
added. Women were still not permitted performers were on stage at once. The
to appear on stage. performance of a Mystery must have
Minstrels were popular entertainers. been all-important. In England,
During the reign of Edward I, 426 magistrates were known to order all the
minstrels performed at the wedding of shops closed and forbade any noisy
Princess Margaret to John of Brabant in activities elsewhere in the town during
1290. the performance.