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          Came To Albury

                 by John M. Stevens

            Before Ben Hur screened in Albury
          it was already the most anticipated film
          ever. It seemed to be everywhere except
          Albury; all media clamouring to
          acknowledge this movie milestone.
            The Regent Albury screened all the
          MGM films and Ben Hur was going to
          be the biggest. Bookings were filling
          for weeks prior to its engagement, set
          for a three-week season. It was
          September 1961 - I was eleven.
            Samson and Delilah, The Robe and
          the Ten Commandments, were all
          exciting, but in anticipation alone, Ben
          Hur was off the scale.
            Regent manager George Osbourne
          supervised the bookings and local
          advertising. He worked in liaison with
          MGM’s Reg. Pollack, who travelled
          Australia with the film assisting with
          promotion, display materials and
          information about this epic.
            By the time the film was in town,
          every session was booked out. The film
          was immediately booked for an extra
          two weeks. No film in Albury’s history
          had ever played for five weeks!
            The theatre building became a giant
          promotion. The lobby displays included
          large colour portraits of the stars. Every
          showcase and poster board was given
          over to this one attraction. The building
          became a time machine to transport all
          who entered back 2,000 years.
            The Regent Albury (1927),
          probably the best Regent in Australia
          not designed for Hoyts, was perfect for
          this type of film: on-screen
          extravagance matched by the
          exuberance of the surroundings.
            Architect Dr. Ross Thorne,
          specialist in the history of cinema
          design, has written of this example of
          Picture Palace style that it is ‘equal to
          any constructed in a major suburb of
          Sydney or Melbourne’.
            With ace projectionists Jack
          Parnaby and Richard McCormack in
          charge, the film was in good hands.
          Special instructions for projectionists
          explained the role of the Overture and  Top: Many variations on this poster were used. Above: Regent Albury.
          lighting effects for setting the mood.
                                               Many people saw it twice. I went  citations wherever it played, including
          The film monopolised each session - no
                                            three times! It was indeed ‘The    11 Oscars. Now, nearly 50 years after it
          trailers, no supporting program, all Ben
                                            entertainment experience of a lifetime’.   was made, it remains the biggest and
          Hur - the longest film ever, at three
                                               Ben Hur garnered awards and     best of all movies.  ★
          hours 53 minutes!

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