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The best thing to happen in TV
          sales in this part of the world was the
          formation in 1969/70 of the Television
          Programme Distributors Association
          (TVPDA), which embraced all the US
          networks and majors, independent
          distributors and many Australian
          producers. The association ‘rode herd’
          on its members, presenting a united
          front to program buyers.
            The first President was Ron
          Michaels of United Artists, and I was
          the second, serving for about 16 years.
            Social activity was big on the
          agenda - entertaining overseas guests
          and Australian clients at fabulous
          Christmas parties. The one company
          chairman who consistently accepted our
          invitation was the charming James
            In the early days of my presidency
          William McMahon, then Minister for
          Foreign Affairs, called me to a meeting
          in his Sydney office. He pointed out
          that people such as me, in contact with
          Ministers for Broadcasting, Directors
          General for TV etc. could do Australia
          a great service by promoting our
          country’s policies.
            Before becoming Prime Minister
          Bill always occupied Table 12 at
          Johnny Walker’s famous Bistro where
          George Mooratoff and I had Table 13.
          If ever the White Australia Policy came
          up in conversation, most Asians would
          say “Ah, but your William McMahon is
          a fine gentleman”.
            When he became PM his security
          could no longer be guaranteed at the
          Bistro, so Mooratoff and I took over  Say It With Music. Top: Peter Broome conducts the Ku-Ring-Gai Chamber Orchestra.
          table 12, which was never sold any  Peter was Musical Director for 18 years.
          weekday to anyone else before 1.30, in  Above: Taking a bow after his second performance with the Taiwan TV Orchestra 1969.
          case we swanned in. Our portraits hung
          on the two posts beside our table,   We won the day hands-down with  Of Universal Pictures and an
          which became known as the ‘Two    our correct assertion that tape was  Australian) came to Australia, I was
          Pillars of Wisdom’.               merely a technical progression.    their first port of call. It was the same
            One serious business matter was the  That day I decided that if ever I was  for the international chiefs of Fox’s
          introduction of videotape and its tax  on a serious charge I wanted Bob  competitors.
          implications. The Tax Commissioner  Stevens as my lawyer. Graeme was    I think it was Good Friday in 1976
          Trevor Boucher asserted that our  well known as one who would storm  when my phone rang at home and Alan
          preferred tax position of Division 14  into a Deputy Commissioner and shout  Silverbach informed me that I had been
          (tax on ten percent revenue) or Division  abuse about the way a client was being  appointed a Vice President of Fox
          13A (ten percent tax) applied only to  treated by the Gestapo!       International TV, the first Australian to
          film and not to tape.                Presidency of the TVPDA involved  hold the position at Fox. I asked Alan
            I represented the industry at a  me with the Motion Picture Export  about the salary and got the standard
          meeting in the Treasurer’s Office in  Association of America (MPEAA). I  response, “What! I’ve just given you a
          Canberra. Present were Treasurer John  attended many meetings in New York  great promotion. How can you talk
          Howard, Boucher, myself, and two  and Los Angeles discussing policy all  money at a time like this?”
          trusted advocates - Bob Stevens of  around the world.
          Blake Dawson Waldron and Graeme      Whenever Jack Valenti, head of the
          Herring, Senior Tax Partner at Peat  MPEAA or Al Daff (retired President

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