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The auditorium radiates from the
stage in a fan shape, achieving a perfect
view of the stage from all parts of the
theatre. This shape is recognised as the
ideal for a theatre, but is seldom
achieved, owing to the square or
rectangular shape of the majority of sites.
There is easy access to both gallery
DUNEDIN and stalls, the entrance doors to the
gallery being midway in level, thus
New Zealand saving the usual long climb to the
gallery. The graded stalls floor and low
slope of the gallery, combined with
A LADY OF ELEGANCE wide spacing of seats, give maximum
comfort and good vision.
Special attention was given to the
accoustics, heating and ventilation and
By David Lascelles
the latest developments in theatre
lighting. Beautiful effects in changing
The day of the old-fashioned picture Work proceeded at an amazing
lights within the central dome always
theatre, with all its discomforts, has pace, considering that in the same year
delighted to patrons.
passed. To-day's requirements demand Love Constructions built the Dunedin
The architects appointed were the
capacious and luxurious auditoriums, Town Hall and the Empire Theatre
firm Millar & White in conjunction
ease of access, the acme of comfort in (later the St James) concurrently; an
with Llewellyn Williams of Wellington.
seating and appointments, perfection of incredible feat for a city with a
Their design was influenced by the
vision and the ultimate in pictorial, population of just 70,000 at the time.
work of Cedric Ballantyne, leader in
musical and stage presentation. So said The shell of the theatre was
Frank Beaumont Smith upon the designed in towering arches that rose to Regent style.
opening of Dunedin’s new picture a central dome. The company Sparrow The Regent South Yarra (Aust.)
palace. & Sons used 193 tonnes of steel, and and the Regent Wellington (NZ) - both
by Ballantyne - were the examples
This was the fifth theatre (and the iron roof weighing 50 tonnes, was
open for business when the Regent
second Regent) in a chain that would not finally fixed until 10 April 1928.
Dunedin was under construction.
eventually reach throughout the entire The main dome of the auditorium
country, numbering some 17 theatres was the striking feature, set at the apex Work on the Adelaide, Sydney and
and 20 affiliates or joint ownership. of the arches, a particularly attractive Ballarat versions was concurrent with
Dunedin. All four opened in 1928 - first
In December 1925 Australians Sir example of interior architecture. There,
Sydney, then Ballarat, followed by
George Tallis, E.J. and F.S. Tait, in a floral grille ornamental with eight
Dunedin two months later, and then
association with F.W. Thring and Frank smaller domes -each supplementing the
Adelaide. However, the Regent
Beaumont Smith formed J.C. effect - was created by the central
Dunedin is no slavish copy of them.
Williamson Films (N.Z.) Ltd. - an piece.
Australian visitors who enjoy
offshoot of J.C. Williamson N.Z. Ltd. The curves of the dome broaden out
Heading the New Zealand company with unbroken smoothness to the sides comparing theatres delight in the way
was film maker and distributor of the theatre, and link to the wide the version in the Octagon expands the
Beaumont Smith (who had now proscenium arch. This pendentive concept of a ‘great Regent’. Millar and
dropped his Christian name). formed a magnificent framework to the White may have been impressed by the
work of their Australian counterpart,
Dunedin, a thriving bustling city in stage, which was sufficiently deep for
but they were not over-awed by it.
New Zealand’s South Island, was high vaudeville acts in conjunction with the
They ignored the ‘Regent tradition’
on the Williamson list for a new picture program.
of stage boxes, whether real or fake,
theatre. The Love Construction The orchestra well, large and deep
Company signed the contract with the below the stage was spacious, as were replacing them with ventilation grilles.
Regent Theatre Company Ltd. (its local the dressing rooms, equipped in the Their foyer, in which dress circle
shareholders John MacDonald and Fred best modern style. patrons walk almost directly into the
Duncan) on 30 October 1927,with an Similarly, the film vaults in the auditorium while stalls patrons walk
estimated opening date of 30 May basement, totally fireproof, met the downstairs, is unique for a Regent.
1928. (They fell short of the target by high standards demanded. Although there are few features that
two days.) might be called direct transplants from
Maximum ease and comfort for
Contractors started immediately on patrons on the most modern lines was Australia, the Regent Dunedin is
the site. Hundreds of labourers and the aim of both the architects and closest to South Yarra in spirit. The
tradesmen began work non-stop, directors of the company. ‘cartwheel’ plaster lights under the
twelve-hour days including holidays balcony, and the timberwork of the
draughtboard in the stalls, with lamps to
and Saturday afternoons.
mark the aisles, is very South Yarra.