Page 8 - cr51
P. 8
Left: Greater Union's
Melbourne flagship was the
State. When this unusual
view was taken it had been
'twinned' into the Forum and
Rapallo. The GU Victoria
office was next to the
Rapallo entrance at No. 5
Russell Street (bottom right.)
Left: Interior of the Forum,
early 1980s. The Forum
was the stalls area of the
State with the auditorium
walls brought inwards.
Box Office Bunny saw Bugs back in picture information, did not have * Spelling in CinemaRecord conforms
a big-screen theatrical cartoon. Fox records of over half of the shorts I to Australian english. Quotations are
reprinted with their original spelling. In this
added several short Simpsons cartoons searched for.
case programme was the spelling used in
to some of their films before the More are being documented every cinema advertisements, but program, used
popular TV show was launched. Today day, but my fear is most of the shorts later in the article, is the Macquarie
Pixar supplies a short with most of its themselves are now lost forever. Many Dictionary’s preferred spelling.
features and the recent Wallace and of the classic era studio shorts have
Gromit feature had the Christmas been recorded in books like Leonard
Caper cartoon supporting it, but that is Maltin’s Selected Short Subjects. If you
about it. own prints of shorts, especially the
Unlike feature films, most of the more obscure and independently
world's shorts have not been produced titles on 35mm, 16mm or
catalogued, collected or analysed. even 8mm, look after them, you may
Exceptions include cartoons and series have the last of the breed. ★
like the Three Stooges. Indeed the
Internet Movie Database
(, perhaps the most
comprehensive collection of motion