Page 21 - RD_2015_12
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The Regent dominates its surroundings. The year is c. 1937.

          policy was that the Regent ‘would show  The spacious interior of the theatre  Clearly the exterior of this theatre
          nothing but clean pictures’.      featured a large ceiling dome, and a deep  owed much to the American model of
            In a Building magazine editorial the  proscenium with columnated wings.   the day, but the interior seemed to be
          Regent facade was described as       An unusual feature was the use of a  pure White. The New York Regent
          ‘Egyptian in form and Renaissance in  large expanse of small pane glazing  opened in 1913, also on a corner site,
          feeling’. It is a good example of its  between the columns; this was backlit  but there is no other similarity.
          kind, and one, which a much more  with 60 coloured globes, the colour
          important city than Geelong might well  being chosen to complement the
          be proud to possess.              program. White would repeat this
            ‘As is often the case where the  multi-pane effect in the Palais, St.Kilda
          street frontage is required for shop  five years later. And like the Palais, the
          display and there is an awning also, the  theatre was a bit too long and narrow to
          base is disappointing, otherwise the  be considered an ideal proportion.
          proportions are good and the ornament  Large ventilation grills were located
          is well disposed.                 within the proscenium arch and in the
            ‘The heavy cornice and the deep  dome of the under rake ceiling at the
          recessing of the large window are  back of the stalls. The auditorium was
          successful in obtaining an appearance  attractively adorned with intricate
          of extreme solidarity and permanence  plasterwork in the classical fashion to
          suitable and desirable in a building of  be found in most of Henry White’s
          this size and importance. The side  theatres.
          elevation of the building, however, is  A horseshoe-fronted balcony
          not beautiful; the openings of different  extended to the front of the
          sizes and at different levels being as  proscenium's outer arch. The inner
          awkward in effect as is the break in the  proscenium arch was tall and narrow,
          horizontal line which bisects this  also in the usual White Style.   The blocky exterior of the Chicago
          façade.’                                                             Theatre; a style transposed to Geelong.

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