Page 10 - RD_2015_12
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Kino Padua An early cinema of High Street,
Up-market art-house cinema in A fondly remembered Hoyts cinema Kew. Much later, the Collins Street
Collins Place Melbourne. of Sydney Road, that came complete Rialto Building included a Rialto
Origin: Kino is the German and with a revolving stage. Theatrette.
Russian word for cinema. Origin: Much visited tourist and Origin: Rialto means ‘high bank’ in
pilgrimage city of northeast Italy. Padua Latin. The famous Rialto bridge of
La Scala
was one of the principal university Venice was once the only means of
Two 1960s venues for continental
cities of Europe and a cultural, artistic crossing the Grand Canal without a
films, one at Footscray, the other at
and scientific centre between the 13th boat. It houses shops and around the
and 16th centuries. The most complete bridge are fish, fruit and vegetable
Origin: Known simply as La Scala,
collections of the works of Giotto and markets. When the wooden bridge was
Milan’s Teatro Alla Scala which
Donatello are housed there. to be replaced by stone, the design
opened in 1778, is arguably the world’s contest was awarded to Antonio da
premier opera house. Maria Callas Palladium Ponte over various architects, including
attained legendary status here. Verdi’s Michaelangelo.
top hat and casts of the hands of many
famous composers are on display in its Rivoli
museum. Acclaimed art deco cinema of
Camberwell. The name is said to be
Robert Mcleish’s homage to his
Its superior location in Bourke
favourite street in Paris.
Street’s theatre district seemed wasted
Origin: Rivoli is the first large town
on a Hoyt’s action-house.
west of Turin and the seat of the House
Origin: The Lyceum was a school of Savoy. An imposing baroque castle
founded just outside Athens by is now the Museo dell’Arte
Aristotle, circa 336BC. Aristotle, who Contemporanea. Napoleon won an
tutored Alexander the Great, lectured at important battle here in 1797,
the Lyceum on a variety of subjects. commemorated in France by the Rue de
The last head of the Lyceum was Rivoli, one of the better-known streets
Andronicus of Rhodes who edited of the right bank.
many of Aristotle’s works for
publication around 60BC. Tivoli
In this statue by Rodin, Orpheus covers Bourke Street’s famous home of
his eyes so as not to look upon Eurydice vaudeville, which hosted a galaxy of
The third and last cinema on
as he leads her out of Hades. This was domestic and international stars.
another prominent Bourke Street site
the condition of her release. Origin: A much-visited town near
(in the Mall), and the first design to Rome, and location of the Emperor
eliminate a proscenium. The site is now A 1960s Bourke Street cinema Hadrian’s villa, constructed between
a shopping arcade through to Little venue built out of a department store, A.D 118 and 134. The original villa
Collins Street. which underwent a number of name occupied 120 hectares of buildings and
changes including East End Cinemas.
Origin: The Odeum, commissioned sculpture inspired by Hadrian’s travels
by Pericles for Athens, featured a Origin: In Greek legend, an image in Greece and Egypt.
pyramidal roof to improve the acoustics of Pallas Athene (Palladium) fell from Related: The Tivoli Gardens of
for voice and musical performances. In heaven and became ‘the luck of Troy’. Copenhagen.
Roman times, the difference between a There are several theories as to how
theatre and an odeon was that the latter Pallas became linked to the goddess Trocadero
had a ceiling while a theatre was open air. Athena. One says that as young girls A Hoyts picture house in the heart
The architect Herodus contributed playing, Athena accidentally killed of Footscray.
three fine structures for performing Pallas with her javelin and then adopted Origin: As well as the beauty of its
arts; the Odeon below the Acropolis (as her name as a form of tribute and gardens and fountains, the Place du
discussed), the Odeon of Corinth and repentance. Another is that Athena slew Trocadero, Paris offers a superb view of
the stadium of Delphi. a giant named Pallas. the Eiffel Tower. Trocadero is also a
Related: London’s famous Music fort in the south of Spain, the scene of
Hall. a famous French victory. In 1827, a re-
One of the former names of the enactment of this victory was
Classic, Elsternwick. Rapallo performed at what is now the Place du
Origin: In legend Orpheus was able Upstairs auditorium of the Trocadero. ★
to charm wild beasts with the music of ‘twinned’ State theatre.
his lyre. With this extraordinary gift, Origin: The most famous resort
Orpheus was able to negotiate the town on Italy’s Riveria di Levante and
release of his wife Eurydice from hide-away for literary notables D. H.
Hades. An excavated Orpheum (theatre) Lawrence and Ezra Pound. Hemingway
is at Pompeii. also spent time there.