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                        THEATRE                                                   The article credited the State with
                       C A  T  H S          Letters                            six sets of full stage curtains. Ross

                                                                               USA wrote that the State had 16 stage
                 HISTORICAL                SOCIETY                             Thorne in Cinemas of Australia via
                                                                               curtains! Whatever the case, contrast
                  ABN 37 195 378 179                                           six or 16 with cinemas today that don’t
                    Reg A0020747R           Lets Hear It For The Ladies        even have one set. The excuse is cost,
                                               The story about London cinemas in
           The aims of CATHS are: to record the                                but I don’t think that today’s
           history of cinemas and theatres, and to  the blitz and the employment of female  management has any idea about
           promote interest in theatre heritage and  projectionists (CinemaRecord 42),
           architecture, and other related areas.  reminded me that women have also  presentation. What wonderful memories
                       Patrons:             been part of the Australian scene, at  I have of theatre orchestras and
           Frank Van Straten OAM  Peter Smith  least in Tasmania.              Wurlitzer organs. More please of these
           Elaine Marriner      Philip Brady                                   great articles.
                                               The Paragon at Queenstown in the
                     Committee:             sixties had a lady projectionist. I think  Donald J. McGregor, Rye.
           President: Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870  that she was the wife of the owner.
           Vice President: Peter Wolfenden 9744 2570  There was also a lady in charge at  Remedial Maths
           Secretary: Mike Trickett 5278 1986  Deloraine.                          There are three numerical errors in
           Treasurer: Barrie Wraith 9435 9785                                   the collection of articles about the State.
                                               One of my industry friends once
                         ★                  told me that he would not have a    Frank van Straten reminded me to update
           Archivist: Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870  woman in his projection room. He said  the age of the theatre and I got it wrong,
           Central Victoria Co-ordinator:   that they were trouble, but I would say  making it ten years older than it is. The
           Fred Page 5444 0428  (Bendigo)   that it takes two to make trouble.  correct age is of course 75 years in
           Gippsland Co-ordinator:                                              February 2004. In Facts about the State
           Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870  (Traralgon)  Ray Peck, Underwood (Tas.)     (page 28) the number of seats in the
           Events Co-ordinator:             State Secrets                       stalls should have been 1999 (it’s correct
           Brian Miller 9557 7446                                               in the summary table) and yes, those
           Film Buffs Group:                   I felt I had to write in about the  curtains. Clearly numeracy is not my
           Mike Trickett 5278 1986          wonderful CinemaRecord 42. The      strong suit.
           Publications Sales:              article on the Ivanhoe theatre was very
           Garry Saunders 9812 7227         interesting; I knew nothing about the  Great articles come from reader
           Membership Secretary: Peter O’Reilly  history of this theatre. But the gem was  contributions, and photos are essential to
                                           the presentation. The Archive holds a
           CinemaRecord Editor:             the article on the old State. Oh! What a  great photo collection on the State,
           Ian Smith                        tragedy that it wasn’t kept in its  which lifted the text. If members have
            original form! Surely Melbourne must  pictures of other theatres, our President
           CATHS website:                   have had the best set of theatres of any  and Archivist Gerry Kennedy would be
                  city in the world when you consider the  pleased to discuss sharing them for the
           Postal address:                                                      Archive. – Editor.
           PO Box 476, Bentleigh 3204.      examples of the State, Regent and
                                            Plaza and the Capitol.
           Membership                                                          Capitol Candelabra Sparkle Again
           Annual membership subscription is $35,  •                       •      The candelabra that once provided
                                             •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • • •
           and members receive four copies of  •• NEWSREEL                 ••  the finishing touch to the stage of the
           CinemaRecord, notification of events,  •                        •   Capitol Swanston Street, now enhance
           and copies of the agenda and minutes  ••  CINEMA, THEATRE &
                                                                               an entrance on the second floor of the
           of all meetings. There is no joining fee.
                                                                               National Gallery of Victoria in St.
           Overseas subscribers: Please contact  • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• •  Kilda Road (pictured below).
                                               SHOWBUSINESS NEWS •
           CATHS Membership Secretary for rate.
           Meetings are held on the last Sunday of
           February, April, June, August, October &
           The Archive is located in the Prahran
           Mechanics’ Institute, 140 High Street
           Prahran, 9510 3393. The Archive will
           be open between 9.30am and 1pm on
           the Saturday before each meeting (see
           above), and at other times by
           appointment with the archivist.
           Back issues of CinemaRecord, other
           publications, CDs and videos are
           available at meetings. Items are also
           available by mail. Please contact Garry
           Saunders on 9812 7227 for details.

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