Page 26 - RD_2015_12
P. 26
Left: Consistent use of the vertical motif
at the Chelsea.
Above: The ‘Gatling-gun’ slide machine.
everything in the space is new. Screen
curtains, seats, wall drapes and carpet -
are all in the same blue/grey colour -
which certainly makes the screen the
focus of attention. The original
projection room houses Philips
Kinetron and Kalee projectors fitted for
Dolby sound.
Extensive catering facilities and
storage are located back stage which is
built over a well (contained within
concrete sides), which once supplied
water to the Glenelg steam trains. A
Cinema Centre, Glenelg month or so after our visit this was the Odeon-Star, Semaphore.
(Wallis Theatres). Jetty Road, Glenelg. cinema where the realistic storm (Independent) Three Screens
Three Screens. sequence in Master and Commander Opened in 1924 and seating 1291
Faced in Mt Gambier stone, the sent a dozen people to hospital. on two levels, the theatre was soon
building dominates the land-ward end of The interiors of Cinema Two (left acquired by D. Clifford Theatres.
the Glenelg shopping strip. Built by hand side of the former stalls) and Closed in 1975, it became a second-
Waterman Bros. in 1937 as an Ozone in Cinema Three (right hand side) are hand furniture outlet. The circle was
a wide, moderne style, the theatre was typical of stalls conversions. In grey reopened in 1991 and the theatre tripled
always air-conditioned and seated 1921. tones, each has a pronounced rake to in 1998 when Jo Daniels and Bob
Now a three-screen complex, left the floor and seat around 230 people. Wilson purchased it. The original
and right side curving stairs lead to the Their shared projection room is fitted vertical neon remains on the façade.
circle foyer and the entrance to Cinema with Simplex XL/ Xenon/ Christie Although an independent theatre,
One. A dumb waiter was noticed in the auto-wind platters. The sound is Dolby programming is by Bob Parr of Wallis
foyer, unheard of now, but an important digital in , Eprad in . Theatres.
aid in large cinemas when film Verdict: An impressive use of an Terrazzo stairs lead to the circle
switching was the order of the day! existing A-grade suburban cinema. The foyer where the evidence of an art deco
Cinema One has the original visit was hosted by Jenny for Wallis make-over in the late thirties is most
lounge/circle seating configuration but Theatres. obvious. Seating in Cinema One is 320,