Page 15 - RD_2015_12
P. 15
For many people, the definitive memory of Cinerama.
cleaned while the other was in use. As the glove was silk, there was no
Cinerama had its unique cleaning static electrical charge built up in the
material, a mixture of Shellite and film. (Such electrical charges attract
Brasso, which effectively removed dust.)
signs of wear. There was also a special A further measure to keep dust of the
film-waxing machine. The cleaning was film was to keep the projection room
done in a special room built in the closed at all times. Although the
promenade area, to the side of the projection rooms were mechanically
auditorium. If there was a spare ventilated, they could become very
projectionist on a shift, as sometimes stuffy. Even so, the door had to be kept
happened, he was set to cleaning film. closed, by Cinerama’s order.
It was not a popular job. The console operator, sometimes
Each projection room was equipped known as the picture control engineer,
with an electric re-winder. While re- worked from a little booth in front of the
winding the film, the projectionist wore centre projection room. His job required
a silk glove on his left hand, to feel the high concentration and constant
sprocket holes for damage. vigilance.
Left: Inside the upstairs projection room: the large sound reproducer, its pre-
amplifier rack and the electrical film lifting machine on the right. The back of the
prologue projector is just visible (left). Image courtesy of Ross Thorne.