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Armadale Picture Theatre
              Armadale Picture Theatre

              Compare this photograph with the one taken from a similar position in 1913. (See Cinema Record 40, page 10)
              The central stanchions for the tram wires have been replaced with poles on the side of the road.
              The ticket window of the theatre is in an arcade entrance. The west wall has new text. The raised section of sliding roof
              is visible, so is the program hoarding that provides the clues to dating the picture. The films are Runaway Princess with
              Mady Christians (1929, UK); Give and Take Jean Hersholt (1928, USA) and Nameless Men with a cast that includes
              Stepin Fetchit and Sally Rand (1928, USA). These were all ‘silent’. The date of screening at the Armadale is probably
              late 1929 or 1930.
              Reproduced by permission of City of Stonnington Photo Library.
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