Page 28 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 28

In 1937, while we were showing at  won't take it out tonight." I said, "What  design. Murphy got quotes for the
          Korumburra Theatre, I had the     do you mean, take it out? You're not  framework from builders. He reckoned
          accident which resulted in me losing  going to take my eye out!” Of course  their price was exorbitant. "I think we
          my eye. I used to pick up the program  the next thing was an operation. It  can do better than this, I'll send the
          for Berwick, Pakenham and         seemed as though they had made a    specifications over to England." The
          Korumburra, and sometimes Drouin,  good job of it, but after a couple of  quotes were competitive. The frame
          and take them all in one trip. On this  months it started to go bad and they  was made in England, shipped and
          occasion I was on the way to      did have to take it out.            landed here for about half the price of
          Korumburra after having delivered the  I used to fiddle around with the  the first quote. So there you are, that's
          other programs. It was just on dusk,  speakers at Korumburra Theatre to  the truth, isn't it amazing?
          and there had been a storm. The   see if I could get better distribution of  While all this was going on at
          accident happened just after the turn off  the sound. It was never successful until  Traralgon I was still looking around.
          to Wonthaggi along the Nyora Road.   we got decent speakers in there.  I'd  One day I was having lunch with my
             A car was travelling towards us  play around after the show had    friend Alec Jaensch, who had a theatre
          and we both had our lights on. I could  finished. Ernie would have gone home  at Mornington. He was pretty
          see a tree across the road right in front  and I'd be on my own in the place. I'd  depressed, his wife was ill and he
          of me, not a big tree, just a sapling. I  go up into the box and put a record on,  wanted to sell out. The owner of the
          thought, "By gosh, this is going to be  then I'd go down the ladder, down all  theatre in Rosebud was interested. I
          a bit tough." I had to drive through the  the stairs into the theatre, then right up  said, "I'm interested too, I would like
          bushy end of it. The other bloke  to the front to have a listen. To make a  to get it." Jossie and I talked to him.
          evidently saw the tree at the same time  change I had to go down to the back,  We agreed on a price but we couldn't
          that I did, but to miss it he swerved on  up all the stairs and the ladder to the  finance it. The banks wouldn't come to
          to my side of the road.           box again, back down again to the   the party. A big insurance office
             He knocked into my front wheel  front of the place to have another  seemed interested at first then later
          and punctured it, dented the mud guard  listen. I tell you what, I used to be  told us that they'd had their fingers
          and carved off the outside rear vision  jolly tired at the end of it.  burnt with picture theatres before. I
          mirror. A piece of glass from the    The curtains did not work from the  didn't know where to get the money. I
          mirror flew into the car and cut my  box, a lad down on the stage operated  also knew that the more you hawk a
          eye. His car careered off the road.  them by hand. We had a buzzer rigged  proposition like this around, the harder
          While I was trying to change the wheel  up from the box to the stage to give  it gets because people begin to say,
          another car came along, heading   the cue. We ran that theatre very   "Well nobody else will take this on,
          towards Korumburra. He stopped so I  successfully until the last twelve  we're not going to be in it either." So it
          said, "Look, can you do something for  months. Actually, what was happening  lay dormant for a while and Alec was
          me? I've got this program for     was that the whole darned thing was  getting a bit edgy because the other
          Korumburra theatre on board and it's  getting too big, we couldn't control it  fellow had the money to buy it.
          screening tonight. Would you drop it  properly, and things started to fall  Driving through Edithvale one
          off at the theatre for me." "Sure I  apart a bit. It was a big worry for us.  evening on the way to Mornington to
          will."So we loaded the program into  A chap called 'Kitchen' came along to  see Alec, I saw a big sign on a wall -
          his car and off he went.          see us, he was running some theatres  'Manchester Unity.' I repeated the
             Doo (my wife) was with me on   in Oakleigh and he wanted           name to myself. I had my chat with
          this trip. She was going to spend the  Korumburra. We weren't thinking of  Alec to find out how things were
          weekend with Ern Bruhn's family.  selling it, but he was prepared to pay  going. The next morning I went into
          After we got the wheel changed she  whatever we wanted for it.  Jossie and  the Manchester Unity offices. "Yes, I
          drove the van on towards Korumburra  I haggled with him over price for a bit,  think we can do business, we've got a
          because I couldn't see out of my right  and eventually we did sell to him.  We  bit of money come in." I put this
          eye. We hadn't got very far when  made a substantial profit out of it.  proposition to Jossie and he came back
          Ernie met us. He'd heard that we'd had  I was still browsing around the  in there with me and we signed it all
          an accident. Ernie took me straight to  circuits and I got my eye on  up. That's how we got the money for
          the Doctor when we got to         Traralgon - "This place needs a good  the Plaza Mornington in 1948. Later,
          Korumburra. The Doctor looked at my  theatre." The war was on at this time.  Traralgon was financed the same way.
          eye and I could heard him say, "It's  We bought a block from the owner of  We worked Mornington just the way
          pretty bad, just a moment while I  the big corner pub in Traralgon and  it was. We put in Peter Wallace as
          phone Melbourne." He rang up an eye  held on to it.                   manager. He had worked for us at East
          specialist and made arrangements for  The shortage of building materials  Malvern. We then turned our thoughts
          me to go down. After I had been   after the war meant that houses were  back to Traralgon. We managed to get
          bandaged up Ernie took us around to  the priority. In due course we got a  permits and we built a beautiful theatre.
          his parent’s home for a meal, then we  permit to put up the framework.  By gee it was a nice place.  When we
          set off in Ernie's car for Melbourne. I  Gordon Murphy of Cowper, Murphy  were getting the building on a bit we
          started to get sick and we had to stop  and Associates in Melbourne was the  thought we'd better start looking around
          a couple of times because I was ill.    architect. He designed most of the  for someone to manage it. This is where
             In hospital in Melbourne the   independent theatres around the place;  Jim came into it. He was back from
          Doctor had a look at my eye and   very good chap he was too. We       England. As I've already said, the whole
          wasn’t reassuring, "I promise you I  decided to use a half round, igloo  blooming thing was getting too big for

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