Page 12 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 12
A Family Theatre given on 23 November 1933. One
Permission to open was finally
Marysville Picture Theatre story says that electric power for the
theatre was supplied from a link with
Barton’s Water Wheel on the
By Noel Kerr
Stevenson River, which also supplied
power for some street lighting.
Perhaps so, but the original
application for the theatre included an
electric generator. Power was also
supplied to parts of the town by the
Cumberland Guest House which
generated more than its own needs.
Mains power came to Marysville in
The theatre walls were of
reinforced concrete, five inches thick.
In those days the scaffolding included
ramps to get the wheel barrows of
concrete to the top! The inside walls
Jim and Marj Wallace were rendered and decorated with
dobs of colour. Water pipes from an
t first it was hard to believe - proceed. Then the structure was external boiler supplied the heating.
A Marysville in the thirties, a town inspected at various stages to check on This was changed in 1959 to radiant
with a handful of shops and a conformity with the agreed plan. A heating using bottled gas. Jim once
population of 550, had supported a person new to the business of building commented that a winter in Marysville
purpose built 350 seat movie house for and opening a theatre could without this heating would have meant
at least two nights every week for 43 understandably be overwhelmed for a a deserted theatre.
years! Of course Marysville was a while, even if they were working with The seating was on one level.
popular holiday destination and much a conscientious builder who was also a Carpet ran the length of the centre
of that support would have come from stickler for detail. The main aisle on a raked floor. The curtain was
holiday makers. Still, it was a good construction of Jim’s theatre was by dark green and was power operated
effort. I wanted to know more. local builder Harold Cuzens with Jim from the bio box. Jim was the
The theatre was the dream of completing much of the smaller work. projectionist and he would get help
James McPherson Grant Wallace. The file on the Marysville from local lads for rewinding.
Born in Dumfrieshire, Scotland, Jim Theatre showed that letters both ways Their reward was free tickets and a
Wallace came to Australia with his often seemed to go astray. Sometimes couple of ‘bob’ in the pocket. Jim’s
family at the age of 6. In 1922 he left what Jim thought was competed work wife Marj was in the ticket box and
a city job and went 'bush wacking’ at had to be re-done. Changes included involved in the business behind the
Taggerty. He then worked for Barton the positioning of floor bearers, exit scenes. Jill and Marie worked as
Bros. for 14 years in charge of lights, seating sand buckets, toilet ushers for their parents when they
servicing a fleet of dashing flushing and electrical switching; were girls, but not later on.
Studebakers. irritations and delays that would deter During the holiday season the
Jim Wallace met his wife-to-be anyone with a lesser constitution than theatre was open every evening with
when she came to Marysville on a Jim Wallace. He pushed ahead, even two changes of program each week.
holiday. They were married in 1930. helping with the installation of the For the rest of the year it was open at
Marriage and two daughters spurred Powers projectors. It was no wonder least two nights and well patronised.
Jim on to private enterprise. Clarrie Smith wanted to remain a Bookings were necessary most nights
Technically minded, he began ‘silent’ partner.
showing 'talkies' in the now
demolished Mechanics Institute Hall
at Marysville, in partnership with
Clarrie Smith, an accountant.
It was soon clear to Jim that with
movies so popular, a better theatre was
required. This decision began a
process that became a file over two
inches high. The Department of
Health building code for theatres was
all about details to assist public safety.
If the building plans were deficient in
any aspect of the code they had to be
amended before construction could