Page 29 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 29

City and suburbs - a gypsy in
          the bio box
          ★ From Ross King, Essendon:-
            When the Essendon Regal, closed
          (1958) the projection equipment,
          (Centrex, Westrex soundheads,
          Westrex arcs and Amplifiers on
          Simplex 5 point pedestals) along with
          stage curtains, screen, and seating was
          purchased by the RMIT and installed
          in their Storey Hall, at the top of
          Swanston Street in Melbourne.
            The screen and curtains were set at
          the back of the stage.
            When I worked at RMIT in
          1965/66, I ran films on the equipment
          on a number of occasions although it
          wasn't used all that much.
            While there, the cellar below the
          hall was being cleaned out and the old
          tip-up seats from the Regal were being
          thrown out. With permission I
          collected quite a few and still had them  Box Hill Regent: Ross King had a stint in the biobox.
          up to a couple of years ago when I
                                                The Radio Theatre in the RMIT’s  supplied by a low capacity D.C.
          sold them to a CATHS member for his
                                             Building 9 (former Radio school) had  generator, so each time a change-over
          home theatrette.
                                             seating for about 120). It was a   was made the arcs had to be “snatched”
            Storey Hall was "done over" about
                                             converted area and was used 10 hours  in order to avoid a blackout.
          10 years ago so I don't know if the
                                             a day for showing instructional films  Reg Boulter, who now runs the
          equipment is still there.
                                             for students and feature films for film  show at Hamilton (V), still uses one of
            The Principal of RMIT at the time
                                             societies.  Syd Williams was the   the original Croydon machines adapted
          was a Mr. McKay (l can't remember
                                             projectionist in the Radio theatre for  to Xenon bulb; stereo sounds cells, and
          his first name). He had graduated to
                                             many years.                        film tower.
          that position from being a
                                                The equipment was Centrex on       Reg was running the Plaza at
          Radio/Electronics teacher. He had a
                                             Westrex with H&B arcs later fitted  Eltham – quite a nice art-deco style
          great interest in the movies and
                                             with Bauer Xenons. There were also  public hall – now demolished, but had
          consequently supported the purchase
                                             two Bauer Selecton 16mm arc        also just taken over the Sunshine
          of good equipment at the college.
                                             projectors which did most of the work.  Theatre. Whilst he was running the
            McKay lived with his teenage son
                                             The Centrex equipment was used for  two shows, I helped out doing some of
          in Carlton (opposite RMIT) and sadly,
                                             the 35mm Projectionists license    the projection work. He eventually
          about 1963/64 his son shot and killed
                                             practical exams.                   moved his business to Sunshine, and
          him. I was a student at the Radio
                                                “Cinema Pioneer” members,       from memory, Eltham closed.
          School at the time.
                                             Garth Eva and Colin Williams (Syd’s   The equipment at Eltham was
            Storey Hall was similar to the
                                             son) may have even more details as I  C&W P5 projectors on rotory stabiliser
          Melbourne Savoy although it had
                                             only worked there for 18 months prior  sound heads made by David
          gained a false ceiling and a rather plain
                                             to my time at the State Film Centre in  McWhirter, who now lives in
          1960’s proscenium. The original ornate
                                             East Melbourne.                    Queensland and originally had the
          Victorian ceiling remained concealed
                                                While working at the State Film  machines in Rosanna. It was a very
          by the false one.
                                             Centre a fellow employee was Betty  neat little plant.
            An ornate balcony supported by
                                             Jope. Betty was also the secretary for  Reg was in the Sunshine Theatre
          cast-iron columns ran around the hall.
                                             The Croydon Film Society and the   for a relatively short time when it was
          The main hall was on the first floor
                                             Federation of Victorian Film Societies.  destroyed by fire and he was
          with a smaller hall (basically a large
                                                The Croydon Film Society        effectively without a show.
          square room) on the ground floor. A
                                             conducted their screenings at the     Betty Jope, representing the
          grand staircase with ornate cast iron
                                             Croydon Theatre conducted by Gray  Croydon Film Society, offered me the
          ballustrade led from the foyer to the
                                             Edmeston. When he retired from the  Croydon show on a minimal rental
          main hall.
                                             business he sold the projection    basis provided that I would run the
            I think much of Storey Hall was
                                             equipment to the film society.     Society’s monthly screenings.
          classified by The National Trust so I
                                                Gray had made much of the sound    At the time, my life was taking a
          don't know what remains. By the way,
                                             equipment himself. I recall the take-up  different direction so I declined but
          this hall is where Melba was reputed to
                                             spools on the machines rotated anti-  suggested that Reg may be interested.
          have given her first public concert -
                                             clockwise and the arc lamps were   He subsequently took it up and ran it
          boy did she get around!!
                                                                                       CINEMARECORD 2002 29
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