Page 10 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 10
The Lyric Picture Co. was again pleasurably heard in front to arrive at 8.30 p.m. and they were
of St. George's Hall, and the wise; by opening time, St. George's
April 1915 was a landmark cinema
bandmaster, Mr. W. Ditchburn, Hall was filled.
event in Donald. The Lyric Picture
deserved every credit for the standard Lieutenant Colonel Harris,
Co., under the management of Mr. W.
the band had attained.’ President of the R.S.L., gave a brief
J. Golding, commenced weekly
Saturday screenings. Another large crowd must have address stressing that the RSL had
attended on May 7, when the taken over the pictures for the good of
management of the Lyric Theatre the town, not for their own gain. They
made arrangements to screen the thanked the public for their support
Melbourne football results at 8 p.m. and asked for continuing interest. “If
Wednesday was added as a picture prospects justified the move”, said
show night. Music was supplied by Lieut. Col. Harris, “pictures would be
Mrs. Harry Lockwood on the piano. shown in an open-air theatre, possibly
For special occasions a violinist two nights per week, and there
and flautist were also used. would be a small orchestra.”
Picture shows were The Citizens’ Band played
profitable for Messrs. Golding selections in front of the hall
and Lance during their 4-1/2 and music for the film was
years at St Georges Hall. The supplied by Vic. Willey on the
cost of films was approximately piano and Mr. James
35/- each ($3.50) with special Sutherland on violin.
films to 50/- ($5.00). They The Soldiers
charged 1/7-1/2 for adults Pictures leased a
(17c – 12c), children 7d. block on the corner
(6c) and the show began at of Woods and Blair
9 p.m. streets and on 9
In February 1919, the December 1919,
show closed because of the open-air pictures
influenza epidemic which screened to a packed
A Pathè-Biograph projector was swept Victoria, but not for house. An orchestra of
purchased by Mr. Golding and Mr long, and a Grand Re five violins, three wind
S.A. Lance at a cost of 100 pounds opening night was billed for instruments, a drum and
($200). Approximately 1,000 feet of 11 March, with Kitty a piano supplied
film were passed through the projector Gordon in The Purple Lily. background music and
by hand. On 15 July 1919 Mr. S. Blay sold soft
The first (crowded) show was, The Mary Pickford was the drinks and ice cream.
Primitive Instinct, drama, 2,000 feet; star, and in August it In January 1920,
The Dreamer, drama, 1,900 feet; was Chaplin in The Times commented,
Hasty Elopement, comedy; Meg of the Shoulder Arms. ‘As usual, a cool
Mines, drama and Change of Business, In October 1919, change blew up in time
comedy. Admission was 1/- the Donald branch of to affect attendance at
The Times waxed lyrical: ‘These the Returned the Soldiers’ Picture
(films) were masterpieces, and the Servicemen’s Theatre, but the
finest pictures ever screened in League (RSL) set attendance was still
Donald’. Later, The Times reported up a committee to satisfactory. The theatre
that ‘The Lyric Picture Co. had a consider the is fairly well sheltered
crowded house, which fully feasibility of from the wind and
demonstrates the fact that the present purchasing the patrons have now
hall is inadequate for such splendid Lyric Pictures and acquired the habit of
entertainment’. The hall seated 300 investing in new equipment. After a bringing wraps with them and are
comfortably, but more were often meeting with Messrs. Golding and usually comfortable when a cool
stacked in. Lance, the R.S.L. took over. Discussing change comes.’
The program which caused the this matter some years later, Mr Lance By Feb. the theatre was running
crowding was the drama, The intimated that pressure had been twice a week, at the prices of 1/9
Memory’s Tragic Leap, and Charlie applied to sell to the R.S.L. (20c) for reserved seats, others 1/3
Chaplin in His New Profession ‘which The Soldiers' Pictures. (13c), and children 6-1/2d. (7c).
almost sent the audience into On the evening of Saturday 13
The show was now known as the
convulsions. During the entertainment February with the thermometer over
The Soldiers’ Pictures. A committee of
several songs were splendidly 90°F people, flocked to the open-air
management was elected.
rendered by Mr. Mittam, the best of theatre as soon as the shops closed.
Hitting The Trail was the first
which was probably The Road to Conditions outdoors were delightful.
show on 17 October 1919. The
Mandalay. The Donald Brass Band ‘The picture owners have had a run of
starting time was 9.15. Patrons began