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hen I was growing up in He told me it was a
St. Kilda, there weren’t commission-based employment with
Wmany ways to get pocket 10% on the gross sales. “You sell ice- stage looked so small and so far, far
money. The usual was selling The creams. They're called Dixies. And away. Stairs, stairs, landing. Stairs,
Herald in the afternoon, or a morning don't forget to take enough spoons with more stairs, landing. Will I ever make it
paper round. But another way was to be you, as you can’t sell them without back to the candy counter, before the
a Lolly-Boy in the local picture palace. those wooden dippers. We sell lots of curtain goes up? The lights dimmed and
We had two in the Jaffas, Peppermint creams and the I almost tripped when the manager
immediate famous Maltesers, which are very came up to me and showed me where
area: Hoyts popular. Also, of course, Cadbury's the exit was. Apparently he’d been
Victory, and plain milk chocolate bars at 2/-each. Do watching my performance.
Palais you think you can manage that?” After counting, I had taken £2.8.0
Pictures. Of course, I nodded. “Well, we’ll and was only sixpence short. Not a bad
I was give you a try-out today at interval. You effort for someone without any
about 14 mean ... now? “Yes, in 15 minutes.” He experience. And my first job. I stayed
when I gave me a white jacket with Palais on 10 years at the Palais and graduated to
applied to the pocket, red bow tie, and some top lolly boy, then on to the first male
Hoyts: “Sorry, no change. I studied the price list and then counter hand on the candy counter, and
vacancies at the moment. Try later in was introduced to the Head Lolly Boy. then supervisor, in those 10 most
the year.” A little disappointed, I went “You’ll work upstairs and make sure exciting and enjoyable years of my life.
to the Palais. However this time I wore you walk around and create some I got to see MGM and Paramount
my school shirt and tie to impress. With business.” movies. Live shows like The Rolling
a big smile I went up the candy bar at Stones and Tom Jones, opera, ballet,
the matinee session of “Houseboat”, The Melbourne Film Festival, The
with Cary Grant and Sophia Loren. Gang Shows, Eartha Kitt, Nelson Eddy,
Shirley Bassey, and hundreds more
I spoke to the supervisor, who
famous stars.
treated my enquiry with enthusiasm.
"We don't need any more Lolly Boys There were packed houses and a
for the movies, but the theatre is being sensational atmosphere on opening
rented out to different organisations for nights, with attendances by Premiers,
live shows, starting with “The Desert politicians, TV celebrities; flashing
Song” next month. Come back then bulbs, newspaper reporters, programme
and we’ll discuss it.” Oh! A potential sellers and 25 ushers, and a doorman
job! I returned home to tell my parents With wobbly legs I climbed the with a bowler hat and golden buttons on
and brothers. They looked up the stairs with a large metal tray and a thick his glittering jacket welcoming
newspaper and found the ad and leather strap around my left shoulder. limousines, taxis, and not forgetting
starting date for the new show. I I went to the Lounge Foyer. What - Rolls Royces.
couldn’t wait, I was so excited. another climb again to the Circle! As a The Palais had the best of both
I went on the first Saturday matinee, boy I couldn’t afford Dress Circle worlds: movies, live acts, concerts and
and reintroduced myself. This tickets to the childrens matinee, and Broadway shows like the first
wonderful lady said she would get the didn’t realise there was a front and back production of Jesus Christ Superstar.
manager for his approval to employ me. Lounge, and the Dress Circle and the There were up to six lolly boys with
He came over and asked a few Upper Circle called The Gods. This short-back-and sides-Brylcreem-haircuts
questions: School? Address? Age? Then theatre happened to be about the second when the house was full. All in white
I told him I had been coming to the largest in Australia, with 3000 seats. It starched business shirts and jackets, red
children's matinees since I was 7. I only was just huge! bow tie, and shiny polished silver metal
lived across the road, and "I think you I nearly fainted when I climbed to trays with brown shoulder straps.
have the best theatre and programmes the back row to sell two Dixies and a Those were the days. ★
in the area.” I got the job. packet of Maltesers. What a height! The Palais Theatre photos courtesy of Kevin Adams