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Betty Larkins...                                                  “Burger Queen”

          By Gail Norman

             Opening night – Christmas Eve,                                        Betty established herself as the
          24th December, l964, was the start of                                 best “grill cook” and fastest “choc
          a long association with Drive-In                                      topper”, unflappable under pressure,
          Theatres for one, Betty Larkins.      Betty recalls opening night at  and it is estimated that over the years
             Betty commenced working as a    Northland, where Mrs. Erban and    she has cooked some 250,000
          casual employee at the very busy   herself were the only workers, and  hamburgers and numerous steak
          Northland (Olympic) Twin Drive-In  were provided with a book of raffle  sandwiches, which are legendary, with
          on the above date, and her love affair  tickets to write hot food orders down –  quite a few regular patrons requesting
          with the Drive-Ins continued until lst  much to their dismay as they were far  a “Betty Special”.
          December, 200l, when she decided it  too small. She also tells us about the  In between being very supportive
          was time to retire, after some thirty-  time that she was at a wedding and  of her family, and her working life,
          seven years of casual work.        received a phone call to “please come  Betty managed to indulge in her
                                             in and help at Interval” as they were
             Betty’s husband Bill, was a                                        passion for knitting dolls, reading
                                             short staffed, leaving the reception to
          bricklayer, who actually worked on                                    biographies, and attending folk art
                                             go to work. How’s that for dedication!
          the construction of the buildings at the                              classes. She swims regularly each
          Northland site located on Murray      Holding some eighteen hundred   week, and has tried line dancing and
          Road, East Preston. Bill and Betty had  cars, it was always very hectic at  golf to keep fit.
          three children, Rodney, and twins Gail  Northland, with queue’s lining up and  In her thirty-seven years of
          and Julie, who now have families of  down Murray Road to access the   working at the Drive-In, Betty has seen
          their own, providing Betty with four  theatre, and Betty along with other staff  many changes, both in Management
          grandchildren, Belinda, Scott, Angela  members would have to drive up over  and Staff, all of whom she welcomed
          and Jonathan, with whom she has a  the footpath to get to work. Celebrity  with a smile, a warm word of
          fantastic rapport.                 identities would be asked to host events  encouragement, and a helping hand,
                                             –  bands, dances, talent quests, etc. for
             At the time Betty commenced                                        but unfortunately she decided that the
                                             the patrons’ entertainment, and this
          work at Northland, the cafeteria was                                  time had come to retire. For the last
                                             would add to the chaos, but Betty took
          leased by two gentlemen, Snow and                                     couple of summers, after a busy night
                                             it all in her stride.
          Erban, and consisted of two separate                                  Betty would be heard to say – “That’s
          areas, a milk bar, where malted       When Northland Drive-In closed  it – where’s my bag. I’m going and I
          milks, etc. were served, and a hot  on the 14th February, l987, in the  won’t be back – it’s too hot”, but she
          food area, and it was not until about  name of progress, Betty along with the  would keep bouncing back. Betty
          ten years later when the lease expired  majority of staff members, transferred  retired a much respected member of
          that it was revamped to self service  to the reopened Coburg Drive-In,  Coburg Drive-In staff, with a lot of
          when Village Theatres took over the  which at the time also had two   good memories of the people she had
          cafeteria.                         screens, but a much smaller capacity  contact with over the past years, but
                                             for cars.  As business increased at  alas for us, has “put her bag” under her
                                             Coburg, the need for a third screen  arm for the last time. ★
                                             was paramount, and this third screen
                                             opened on 7th December, l995,
                                             making Coburg the only Drive-In in
                                             Australia to boast three screens.
                                                The smaller cooking area, the choc
                                             topping area, and kitchen facilities
                                             were a challenge after the spacious
                                             Northland, but Betty coped,
                                             encouraging the staff with her “never
                                             say die” attitude.
                                                  Above centre: Betty Larkins.
                                                     Photo by: Gail Norman.
           Coburg staff prepare for “Dick Tracy”.   Above L&R: Northland Drive-In.    Coburg Drive-In Cafeteria.
                  Photo by: Gail Norman.             Photo by: Kevin Adams.             Photo by: Kevin Adams.
                                                                                       CINEMARECORD 2002 25
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