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they would not be missed. Learning family business - J.J. Boyce Ltd,a
from watching the professionals, Ron menswear store that was just three
would often sort out problems on his doors away from the offices of
own if there was a 'sour' note. Amalgamated Theatres Ltd. At this
The terms for playing at the Civic time, Ron had a new Hammond organ
were almost always for two years at a at home, purchased from Beggs who
time. Hector (Heck) Olson was the had to obtain a special permit to obtain
manager of the Civic for the whole of the instrument due to import
the time that Ron played there. Ron restrictions at the time. Someone told
had a key to the front door so he could State Theatre, Sydney. Joe Moodabe from the Civic about
practice on Sundays when the theatre the front of the theatre. Like the Ron, who rang him up and asked him
was closed, but needed a torch to go Auckland Civic and Melbourne State, to play at the theatre. Mr. Moodabe
downstairs to turn the lights on. He another “atmospheric” was Sydney’s had never seen a Hammond before and
took no nights off for the first seven Capitol Theatre which also had a would often visit Ron’s home to hear it
years but then got Ron Clark to sit in WurliTzer installation, and Ron would being played.
for him as required. attend whenever he could to hear it Ron worked at the Menswear shop
Earlier, in Melbourne, Ron being played. as well as playing at the Civic and also
For his last two and a half years in established another successful
Sydney, he became the second organist Menswear shop at Mt. Eden Village.
to play at the Vogue Theatre in When he was playing for only two
Double Bay. The Vogue had a nights a week he received £15 ($30)
Hammond B3 electric organ and you per week.
had to go through a special door which Organists before Ron only played for
opened directly from some very steep a period of about two years, so Ron
stairs to access it. This organ had two ended up playing for the longest
consoles, with six to eight speakers of duration. He said the audiences were
different sizes in a cabinet which was very receptive to the playing of the organ
positioned above the screen. It was and the Civic played the best films from
later moved to the left-hand tower the studios of Twentieth Century Fox
beside the screen. The Hammond B3 and Metro Goldwyn Mayer.
was a very good organ and was Joe Moodabe told Ron that
virtually problem free.
Ron was only 19 years old when
WWII broke out and he applied for
the Air Force but as it was full, he was
automatically placed in the Australian
Imperial Forces or “AIF” - the name
Former State Theatre, Melbourne. given to the Army. When his father
died, he was given six weeks leave on
received church pipe organ lessons compassionate grounds to return to
from Leslie Curnow who was an New Zealand and look after his
organist with the Unitarian Church. mother. Ron went back to Australia Civic Theatre, Auckland.
From 1934 to 1936, he practiced on after six weeks, and as there was no “Auckland was two years behind
Melbourne’s State Theatre WurliTzer conscription yet, he was given Sydney” and in two years time the
which had 4 manuals. Arnold Colman permanent leave to return to New level of business would drop off in
(brother of film star, Ronald Colman) Zealand, which he did a month later. exactly the same way it had done
was the organist at the State, and he Back in Auckland, he played the organ there. Television proved to be the death
allowed Ron to practice for an hour in at the Civic for about six months knell of many theatres and that,
the morning on his way to his job at before being conscripted into the army. together with the very expensive
Foy and Gibson’s Department store. In 1940, the lady organist who maintenance that the organ required,
(Although Ron had to pay him five preceded Ron had the organ panels were the reasons why the instrument
shillings a week (50c) for the covered in glitter, which caused was put up for sale.
problems when it started falling off. So On November 6, 1962, J.P.
The State had twin consoles, the shortly afterwards the glitter was Moodabe (Snr) wrote a letter to the
one played went up and down on a removed and the organ was painted Manager of the Civic Theatre in
pedestal and looked towards the white. Hamilton, asking him to negotiate a
screen. The other “slave” unit was a In Auckland, Ron managed the possible sale of the Civic WurliTzer
fixture on the right hand side of the for "a round figure of 5,000 pounds"
orchestra pit. Ron considered that the ($10,000). ….And so an Era came to
Melbourne State WurliTzer was the an End.
best organ he had ever played on! $42 million dollars has recently
Ron then went to Sydney for seven been spent on returning Auckland’s
and a half years where he was able to Civic Theatre to its original glory. It
practice on the State Theatre is now one of the few remaining
WurliTzer, taking lessons from Manny “atmospheric” theatres still being
Aarons who was the organist there for used for films and live theatre. ★
23 years. The State also had a full
orchestra, which played on a barge at
Capitol Theatre, Sydney. Photos courtesy of: Dr. Ross Thorne.