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                        THEATRE                      Contents  Issue Number 32 Autumn 2001
                        C A  T  H S                  4   Letters • Editorial • About CATHS

                HISTORICAL                SOCIETY    5   Central Victoria Branch • Preston/Northcote Tour
                        VICTORIA  INC.
                                                     6   Newsreel
                                                         Reading Chirnside Park 8 open • Longford Cinema to close
                                                         New theatre for Bendigo • MTC 500 seat theatre for Southbank
                                                         Village 10 Fountain Gate • 50th Melbourne Film Festival Opening
                                                         at Regent • Former Premier John Cain at CATHS meeting
           The official journal of the Cinema And        Community bid to buy Theatre Royal Castlemaine
           Theatre Historical Society Victoria Inc.
           ISSN 1443-3664 • Published quarterly      7   North Eastern Victoria Tour

           Editor: Martin Powell                     8   Strathis (Stan) Raftopoulis MBE – A Movie Mogul
           Editorial Committee:                          Magician, filmmaker, exhibitor – just some of the talents of this
           Kevin Adams, Ross Campbell, Cameron           movie entreprenour. Gerry Kennedy reports.
           Hall, Adrian Maiolla, Julie Ross,
           Barbara Seccombe, Roger Seccombe,         9                        THEATRE HISTORY
           Ettore Siracusa and Paul Smith.                                   The Westgarth Theatre
                                                                             Celebrating 80 years – a single screen
           Special thanks to Bill Kerr of Optimum                            surviving in a multiplex world. The oldest
           Design for designing our new                                      purpose-built cinema still operating in
           CinemaRecord logo. Thanks also to Jon                             Melbourne. By Cameron Hall.
           Saul, Peter Garwood and Gerry Kennedy
           for their assistance.                     20                      The Cinema at the Cinema
                         — ★ —                                               Roger Seccombe writes about cinemas
           The main aim of CATHS and this                                    that have featured in movies. Some have
           publication is to accurately document and                         starred on the big screen in a more
           create an archive of the history of cinema                        convincing style than others.
           and theatre in Victoria.
              Input in the form of articles, construc-
           tive criticism, and substantiated dispute  23  When Silents Were Golden
           of printed matter is welcome, and neces-      The Sadness of the Clown. Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy and Harry
           sary to enable us to reach our objective.     Langdon. By Denzil Howson.
              Articles printed in CinemaRecord
           should not be reproduced without the      24                       THEATRE HISTORY
           permission of the author or the editor.                           Olympia Theatre, Bombala NSW
              All photos are from the collection of                          The community of Bombala have
           the person or organisation stated unless                          brought the movies back to town – to a
           otherwise indicated. Every effort has                             venue with a history that goes back to
           been made to trace the ownership of all                           1915. By Gerry Kennedy.
           copyrighted picture material. In the event
           of any questions arising as to the use of  26  The National Film Record – On Video
           any material, the author and publisher        Ken Berryman from ScreenSound Australia tells the story behind
           will be happy to make the necessary cor-      the project to make Australia’s film heritage accessible on video.
           rections in future printings.
                                                     30  Melbourne Film Buffs Weekend
           Contributions and suggestions for
           CinemaRecord are most welcome. Please     31  Reviews
           contact the Editor if you are planning to     Information on cinema and theatre heritage resources:
           write an article for the magazine. We         books and videos.
           may be able to assist you with informa-
           tion, contacts, etc and it will help us   32  Tivoli Olympic Follies
           with forward planning.                        Take a trip down memory lane to 1956 when ‘The Tiv’ present-
           Martin Powell                                 ed Olympic Follies, the year the Olympic Games were held in
           Tel: 03 9786 9158                             Melbourne.
           Postal address: 14 Hodgins Crescent,
           Frankston North, 3200                         Front Cover: The Westgarth Theatre.
                                                         Photo: Kevin Adams.

                                                                               CINEMARECORD Autumn 2001      3
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