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NEWSREEL by Martin Powell
Brighton Dendy 4 Opens: Palace have opened their new 1\vo New Screens for Mornington: The Mornington Cin-
cinemas at the Dendy Brighton. The four screen cinema ema is currently building two additional cinemas next door
complex opened on 16 November 2000. For the last few to their existing three screen cinema complex.
months the Dendy has been undergoing a total refurbish-
men!. For some of the time the cinema was closed, then Inflatable Screens: German company Moviescreens have
operating with reduced hours as the renovations contin- developed an innovative inflatable screen ideal for out-
ued. A third cinema - which was added in the late 1990s - door cinema shows. The AirScreen is basicaUy an inflat-
has been closed, and two additional, completely new cin- able tube frame with screen, an alternative to conventional
emas constructed. Renovations also included aU-new car- aluminium frame construction. After preparation the
pets and seating. The very heavy (3 tonnes), silver metal AirScreen is pumped up in only a few minutes. The com-
curtain from The Trak Cinema was installed in Cinema I. pany claims that their screen is safe in difficult wind and
weather conditions, since the AirScreen does not break or
New Library for Chapel Distribution: The Astor News tip over - it slightly bows like a sail in the wind. In the
[ emai I newsletter) of 15 November 2000 - Chapel Distri- event of extreme weather conditions the AirScreen can be
bution is pleased to announced that it has acquired the pulled down in a few seconds.
MGMIUA theatrical film library for Australia and New
Zealand, previously held by United International Pictmes. Hitchcock's Rear Window at Astor: Alfred Hitchcock's
This includes all the films released up to October, 2000, motion picture suspense classic Rear Window is screen-
and a substantial number of prints from the back cata- ing at The Astor Theatre from Sunday November 12 to
logue - including all the Bond and United Artists Woody Saturday December 2nd. The Astor will be screening a
Allen films. (MGM titles after November 2000, will be brand new Technicolor dye transfer print of the film, which
released through FOX). has been newly restored by Robert Harris and James Katz,
the team responsible for the excellent restorations of Ver-
Chapel already controlled the pre-1986 MGM titles tigo, Lawrence of Arabia and Spartacus. Rear Window stars
through the Turner library which also includes pre-1949 James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Wendell Corey and Thelma
Warner Brothers product. This latest addition makes Ritter. It screens with a classic Hitchcock short.
Chapel the largest distributorofCia!'sics titles. Chapel also
has acquired the libraries of Orion, Cannon and the pre- Another Summer for Shepparton Drive In: In his latest
Universal output of Polygram. newsletter [911112000) Steve McDonnell ofthe Shepparton
Drive-ln writes - "Fate Of The Drive-In: As we all know
Major Capitol Works: The Capitol Theatre will officially only too well the Shepparton Drive ln has been living on
close on 20th November 2000 for three months of intense borrowed time for the past few years. The site was sold
renovations. recently to local developers The Copulos Group, who have
plans, but not immediately, so I suppose "We will keep
A disability access lift will be installed allowing passage screening till the Big Screen comes a tumbling down".
from the arcade below into the main foyer. This involves This summer season is now safe and the Drive-In bas made
the demolition and reconstruction of the ladies toilets in it into a new millenium. 1957 to 200 I. Not too bad.
the foyer, which will be located where the old candy bar
currently is. There will be a disabled toilet, plus a new Leongatha: Stadium 4 cinemas to open Nov. 30. A con-
permanent ticket box and a new Manager's office, all in version of a former South Gippsland Council recreational
the main foyer. The candy bar will be located temporarily facility in the CBD area. Opening films include "Charlies
in the upper foyer and time permitting, work will start on Angels", "The Dish" and "Gone With The Wind"
relighting both the main and upper foyers.
MorweU: The Morwell Revival Crusade Group have taken
During the last few months the Capitol has taken receipt a lease on the former Village Twin Cinema in Buckley
of two fully restored 'star' light fittings which once had Street, for the centre of their activities.
decorated the stalls ceiling. The restoration of two more is
planned. Also the original curtains are currently being FM Radio For The MusicaUy Mature
evaluated for repair and eventual return and rehanging.
All being well, it is hoped that this work will be com-
For those who haven't yet disc~vered it yet, there is a
pleted for the Capitol's reopening on 1st March 2001.
real radio station on the FM Band. Said to be aimed at
the over 50's, "Golden Days Radio" broadcasts from
Craig Cahill was appointed Manager oftbe Capitol in April
Fridays to Mondays from the Caulfield Racecourse on
2000. Craig has a wealth of experience in the Australian
95.7 MHz. (Lots of under 50's love it too).
cinema and ente11ainment industry, spanning thirty years.
Previously at the Capitol in 1997 as manager, projection- Reception varies in the Northern suburbs ofMelbourne
ist and programmer, Craig has contributed significantly and the range is not enormous elsewhere, but it is well
over many years to community efforts to save the Capitol worth a try. They play real music.
and to proposals for the viable operation of the theatre.
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