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P. 8
by Brian Miller I
Theatre Happenings
Carlton Moviehouse. The Carlton Moviehouse, 235 Fara-
day Street, once the home ofCATI-TS-V meetings, and sup-
ported by die-hard moviegoers, closed in 1999, ending 75
years of screenings. The owners, the Royal Womens Hospi-
tal. have caiJed tenders for the sale of the building, closing
on the 25th of August.
No heritage controls apply. as the architecture is a mixture
of styles and modifications made over the decades. It i:;
Lyric/Ozone· Murray Bridge 1993 believed that the original silent screen, painted on the rear
wall- complete with decorative surround- still exists. Con-
Passing through Murray Bridge, the only former cinema to version to apartments is one suggestion. This has already
be seen was the Ozone Cinema. now a supem1arket. been applied to the Broadway Elwood, the Waverley East
Malvern, and is proposed for the Footscray Barkly.
Nearby construction has commenced at Melbourne Uni-
' ersity. on Swanston Street opposite Faraday Street, of the
Sidney Mycr Asia Cemrc. The venue is to include a 500
seat theatre, conference facilitic:;. etc.
Her Majesty's Melbourne. Some good ne,vs is that Her
Majesty's Theatre. 219 Exhibition Street, one of Mel-
bourne's oldest and most historic theatres, and little used
in recent times, is sporting a sign stating "Welcome Mike
There will be $6.000.000 spent on new stage facilities and
Mount Gambier Odeon 1993 a general upgrade of U1e building. with a re-opening planned
for 200 I. Discussions arc bemg held wiU1 the Melbourne
The large former Odeon, Mount Gambier stm looms over C1ty Council to promote and publicisc Melbourne's theatre
the main street and it was here I saw Cliff Robertson as precinct, which starts at the Princess and continues right
John F. Kennedy in "P.T. I 09''. to a packed house in the down to the Arts Centre. No other Australian city can offer
Sixties. The Odeon sign is still there but shops occupy the this facility. Cleaners were busy polishi11g the front doors
ground tloor with teo pin bowling upstairs. and brasswork. heralding the new management and a new
lease of life for this grand old lady.
Her l\lajesty's Sydne). Some bad news is that the owners
of Her Majesty's Theatre, in Quay Street Sydney, have
placed the property on the market. and it's future as a thea-
tre is clouded. The reasons given are nearby competition
from the restored Capitol Theatre. and also the new Lyric
at Darling Harbour. Her Majesty's was built by J.C.
Williamson's to replace the Her Majesty's/Empire Theatre
which was destroyed by fire circa 1970 and was opened
circa 1973.
Chinatown Cinemas. Internal foyer alterations are pro-
ceeding at the Chinatown Cinemas at 194 Bourke Street.
Star Cinema · Portland 1993
Dendy Brighton. Construction has commenced on the
Our last main stop was at Portland, where the Star Cinema Palace Dendy cinemas 4 and 5 at Middle Brighton.
with it's forties-style facade still stands high on a hill, fac-
ing Portland's bracing climate. Commercial premises are The number of screens between the Souti1 Yimafroorak
downstairs with the auditorium upstairs. From the rear, a area and the southern suburbs as far as Cheltenham has
new roof was apparent and although the Star was operating increased constantly over the past ten years. At around 50
five nights a week, I struck an off-night. Better luck next full-time screens this must be one of the highest concentra-
time. tions in Australia. The Palais and the National theatres in
(Photos: P~ter 0 "Reil(1· collection) St. Kilda host occasional screenings also.