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          coni from page 8                                             ODE TO AN USHERETTE
          bit cramped,  and the toilets are located at the rear of the         ANON
          building, down the side lane. It certainly is an outstanding
          example of a  Kaberry and Chard  theatre,  virtually  intact.   An usherette so neat and so sweet
         Even  the  original  proscenium  is  still  extant,  behind  the   Knows  perchance  you  may  clutch  her  free  arm
         present  (very  large)  CinemaScope  installation  of  the   As her torch lights the way to your seat,
          1950s.(14)                                           and she peers - sees your rear's free from harm!

         References                                            But their charm occasionally flickers.
          1. Tumut Shire Library                               In France, they may care not one bit.
         2. See separate notes on Junee Athenaeum Broadway and   If so, you can bet on their knickers
         the Lyceum.                                           They're dismayed at the size of your tip!
         3. ChiefSecretary'sDepartment, licensing lists, 1909-1964
         4.  Board of Fire commissioners, NSW Archives, File 202,   (For "tip'~ read ''gratuity" or "sponduliks'?
         Box 20/.14977. Fire report dated 30 May 1932 and memo
         dated 23 August 1932.                                               And that leads us to
         5. The Film Weekly Motion picture- Directories, 1937-71
         6. Information from the late Dennis Howell.           "THE TALE OF TWO USHERETTES- A PERSONAL
         7. Information from Stephen Walsh, 13 Apri11997.                    EXPERIENCE''
         8. Ibid.
         9. Ibid.                                              Some time  ago in Paris we  were  the guests  of the  Pathe
         10. Melissa O'Brien, correspondence, 25 Apri11996.    Company, and as part of their hospitality, they provided us
         11. Sun Herald S November ·1995; also Southern Weekly   with tickets to the Byron Cinema in the Champs Elysees.
         Magazine, B May .
         12. Sydney Morning Herald, 19 July 1997.              M'sieur Bitterlen ofPathe told us that whereas the tickets
         13. Ibid.                                             would gain us access to  the show, there was one expense
         14. Les Tod, inspection, June 1998                    which we could not avoid - a warning which in the excite-
         Photos: Les Tod.                                      ment  of going  to  a  cinema  on  the  Champs  Elysees  we
                                                               conveniently dismissed from our minds.
         Footnote.                                               So we presented ourselves at the theatrer and an attrac-
         I bad the pleasure of being involved in carrying out repairs   tive  usherette showed us to our seats.  We scrambled  past
         to the second projection plant installed. A pair ofRA YCO-  some already seated patrons, and plonked down on the two
         PHONE  sound heads with square bottom spool box's and   vacant places.
         model M, C&Ws with KALEE universal arcs. The first plant   Then I casually glanced to my left and was smprised to
         was a  pair of western electric universal bases with simplex   see the usherette still standing at the end of the row.
         beads. I was also involved with several screenings, the last
         being THE LAST EMPEROR The Montreal has  the best       She  was staring fixedly  in my direction,  and  when we
         ambience of any cinema I  have worked .               made eye contact, there was malevolence in her glance.
                                                               She  obviously  regarded  us  as  ignorant  and  unspeakable
                                             ED.                                                (Continued on page 9)

                :fi£:M. :f .54.'B£'ES, :f .J\CT .7tNV :fiCTION

         Going to the pictures in 1910 was an exciting event and fierce competition existed between exhibitors in towns with more than
         one venue. Such was the case in Footscray, a suburb of Melbourne, where the operators of the Federal Picture Palace placed
         frequent advertisements in the local newspaper claiming that they had the "coolest hall in the suburbs" and where "The Federal
         Symphony Orchestra accompanied films."

         The Federal Hall in Nicholson Street, had a sliding roof which opened to the stars and, the cool air! At that time it was probably
         the only hall outside of Melbourne City which had such a roof. The Princess Theatre in Spring Street could also open to the

         The programme at the Federal was changed twice weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays and started at 8PM. Entrance could be
         gained for 6 pence and 1 shilling. A December 1910 programme included: "INDIAN RAIDERS, LIFE ON THE ALPS, THE

         THEFOOTSCRAY ADVERTISER, December 1910

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