Page 35 - CINEMARECORD-100
P. 35
was raised into position
via a ladder. The show
then continued using the
small screen. This became
so well known to ‘locals’
that, even when fog first
started to appear, cars
would start to turn around
in readiness for the fog
screen above the bio-box
to take over.
As the popularity of
drive-ins waned in the late
1980s, Peter then went to
work for the major
employer of the time in
the region, the State
Electricity Commission
(SEC) as their video
production officer until
his retirement, although
film screening was still
his love.
At Peter’s home in Moe,
he built his pride and joy
The Moe Majestic’s Wurlitzer organ – the Moe Majestic, a The Moe Majestic projection room
39 seat replica 1950s cinema, resplendent with converted into one 3-tier platter system. The
One remarkable invention that Peter created memorabilia and curtained screen. The seats new control system, the platter central frame
was a unique projection system when Moe, like had been sourced from Moe’s Civic Theatre and all other parts required were all designed
many drive-ins, was subject to fog. He saw the and the Yallourn North Town Hall, with one and made by Peter. An engraved plaque is
frustration as an operator, as well as for the row of seats that came from a classic Hawker situated above the port-holes in the Lunar
patrons, when this weather condition de Havilland aircraft. A Wurlitzer organ also Drive-in projection room acknowledging
effectively prevented visibility of the film on has a prominent position in the theatrette. Some Peter’s remarkable skills in this clever and
the distant screen – often midway through. CATHS members have had the privilege of innovative projection installation.
Could he remedy this situation? He seeing the Moe Majestic in action on visits, as
experimented with an idea. have many others invited to presentations by In 2010 Peter also carried out the technical
Peter throughout the years. installation for the new Field Four at Lunar
When fog started to appear, a mirror assembly Drive-in. This consisted of a Kinoton FP30
on a platform was moved into position in front Peter Ricketts would still answer the call for projector and lamp-house and Kinoton ST200
of the projection room port and a smaller, technical support, or assist in film screening on platter system. Over the years, Peter also rebuilt
permanent screen (approximately 2.5m x 3m) occasions when contacted by the Lunar Drive- and improved the FM stereo broadcast theatre
in owners in 2002 sound systems amongst many other innovations.
Peter Ricketts in his Moe Majestic home cinema
when it opened in
Dandenong. Peter Peter applied his knowledge to all aspects of
Ricketts was one of the Lunar Drive-in technical operations,
the projectionists installing and designing multi-speaker
recruited and worked broadcast sound systems throughout the Lunar
weekly shifts for many Café. After he retired from regular projection
years, driving from shifts, he continued to service and maintain the
Moe each evening for 35mm equipment until it was replaced by
his shifts. Peter digital projectors in 2013.
conducted the
technical installation Peter’s passion for cinema has been life-long,
of the projection as has his membership of CATHS and with the
equipment for the new Society of Australian Cinema Pioneers since
Field Three that 1984 can testify. He continues to still appreciate
opened in 2003. It seeing good films and acknowledges the quality
consisted of a Phillips of digital presentation. However, he
DP70 (EL 4000) understands that the skills of a projectionist
70/35 projector, the may be purely nostalgic now; it is still ‘in his
Strong X60D xenon blood’ and has been from an early age. H
lamphouse mentioned
before as coming from Credits:
the Moe drive-in, and
a Kinoton platter Oral history recordings (2018).
system. Due to a CR #44 & #47.
shortage of Kinoton David Kilderry (CATHS member).
platter systems on the Coming to a Beach Near You – R. Seccombe (2009).
used market, the Images from Peter Ricketts collection and the CATHS
platter system utilised Archive.
parts from two 2-tier
Kinoton platter
systems that Peter